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Turkey ready to increase military support to internationally recognized government in Libya – Erdogan

22-12-2019 < RT 12 237 words

Ankara will “absolutely” not turn its back on the two security agreements it signed with the Tripoli-based government in Libya, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said.

He promised to boost support to the Government of National Accord (GNA), which is recognized by the UN, if necessary, with ground, air and maritime options to be considered.

The statement comes at a crucial moment in the Libyan conflict as General Khalifa Haftar from the rivaling Tobruk government is advancing on Tripoli in an attempt to unify power. The North African state remains split since the 2011 uprising and NATO intervention which led to the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi and
devastation of a once rich country.

Also on Turkey’s threat to send troops into Libya has all sides sitting up and asking, is this a bluff?

On Saturday, the Turkish parliament ratified the military cooperation and maritime boundaries deals, signed between Ankara and Tripoli in late November. The agreements provide for intelligence sharing, while also allowing the GNA to request vehicles and weapons from Turkey to be used to defend itself. The launch of a “quick reaction force” on the request of the Libyan side was also agreed.

The terms of the deal go against the arms embargo, which was placed by the UN on Libya eight years ago.

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