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Gold Into 2020 with Andrew Maguire

22-12-2019 < SGT Report 15 232 words

by Turd Ferguson, TF Metals Report:

It has been a crazy year but, with things finally slowing down a bit with the holidays, we finally had a chance to get caught up with our old friend, Andrew Maguire.

Wow! As you might imagine, Andy and I had a lot to discuss. The year 2019 has been extraordinary and 2020 has the potential to unleash all sorts of market-changing events. Like what, you ask? Well, you’re just going to have to listen to this podcast.

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Understand this…no one has a better handle on the co-mingled physical and paper markets than Andy. So when he discusses the physical market stresses and how these affect the entire pricing scheme, you need to listen. When he mentions working with regulators in both the US and UK, you need to consider the possible implications. And when he informs you of the volume of physical gold that is moving “off-grid”, you need to be mindful of the pending impact on price.

I urge you to find time over the holidays to give this podcast your full attention. The year 2020 is shaping up to be a significant and impactful year. Prepare accordingly.

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