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'London has fallen': Shock online at vicious KNIFE ATTACK outside UK strip club (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

30-12-2019 < RT 9 399 words

Horrifying footage of street violence and an attempted stabbing outside a stripclub in Shoreditch has sparked outrage over London’s ongoing knife crime problem. Two teenagers were hospitalized for injuries sustained in the attack.

Revellers and passersby alike were herded into Browns lap dancing club by bouncers as violent thugs carried out an attack on the street outside at 2:13am (GMT) on Saturday night. Appalling footage shows one assailant repeatedly attempting to stab a downed man with a huge knife as the victim desperately tries to scramble to safety.

WARNING: This video contains graphic violence which some may find disturbing.

People can be heard screaming as the assailant swipes at the man with the knife before fleeing down Hackney Road. Other people can be seen fighting in the background, in a chillingly lawless scene. 

Two teenagers were stabbed in the incident, though their injuries are not considered life-threatening.

Reaction online was one of outrage tinged with resignation at the street violence which has become commonplace on London’s city streets.

Three people were arrested in connection with the incident, the Met police confirmed to RT. 

“We have seen the video of the incident circulating on social media and this is forming part of our enquiries,” Detective Sergeant Dave Barrett, who is investigating, said. 

“I am urging anyone with information on this incident to call us and tell us what they know.”

Also on Knife crime epidemic on the rise, as London tube station shocked by double stabbing

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