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Pompeo to visit Ukraine on Friday, weeks after Trump’s impeachment

30-12-2019 < RT 6 158 words

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev on Friday. The visit is part of a trip that includes several former Soviet republics, the US State Department said. The meeting in Kiev comes just weeks after US President Donald Trump was impeached over abuse of power involving his handling of Ukraine.

As well as holding talks with Zelensky, Pompeo will also meet Ukraine’s foreign and defense ministers to reaffirm US support for the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, according to the State Department.

It was not clear if Trump’s impeachment would figure as a talking point, Reuters said. The Democratic-led US House of Representatives impeached him on December 18 for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress charges stemming from his reported effort to get Ukraine to investigate political rival Joe Biden.

Pompeo will also visit Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Cyprus on a trip from Friday through to next Tuesday.
