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Pompeo in Iran damage control? US ‘committed to de-escalation,’ Soleimani killing ‘saved American lives’

3-1-2020 < RT 6 183 words

3 Jan, 2020 12:54

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo assured everyone that Washington wants to ease the tensions in the Middle East, while defending the killing of Iranian elite Quds Force commander as “defensive action.”

Pompeo made his remarks after speaking over the phone with British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Yang Jiechi, the head of the Chinese ruling Communist Party’s Foreign Affairs Commission.

“The US remains committed to de-escalation,” Pompeo said.

Also on ‘We urge all parties to de-escalate’: British foreign sec Raab calls for calm after US assassination of Iranian commander

