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‘We are the woke’: Joaquin Phoenix joins Jane Fonda at DC climate protest, to preach about meat & dairy and flight-shame himself

10-1-2020 < RT 22 357 words

The Friday climate change protest in Washington, DC included crowds marching on Capitol Hill and chanting things like, “the waters are rising and so are we” and “Australia is burning and so are we.” Police were present.

Celebrities like Jane Fonda and Joaquin Phoenix headlined the protest, which was part of the Friday Fire Drills, originally inspired by teen climate change activist Greta Thunberg. 

“Fire drill Fridays call for fast action on the Green New Deal and an end to all fossil fuel exploration, extraction and taxpayer subsidies to oil companies,” a notice for the protest read.

'Joker' star Phoenix, as well as Martin Sheen, Susan Sarandon, and Fonda — who has been arrested multiple times while protesting — attended and spoke at the rally. 

During brief remarks in front of the crowd, Phoenix preached about the meat and dairy industries being the “third leading cause of climate change.” The famous vegan encouraged people to make better choices about what they consume. He ended his remarks by admitting he had flown on an airplane to the protest. 

The celebs also joined the march and held placards.

Various other speakers railed against the “patriarchy” and “colonialism” and preached: “We are the woke.” 

Phoenix previously earned criticism for bragging about wearing one tuxedo to every awards ceremony, most of which he is attending for recognition of his performance in ‘Joker.’ The activism did not earn much praise.

“My husband and his co-workers wear the same firefighter outfit when they go into burning buildings to try to save people. But yeah, good for you Joaquin,” one Twitter user wrote. The thought was retweeted by former Fox News host Megyn Kelly.

“How out of touch are these ppl?? Oh the sacrifice! Just ONE tuxedo! Spare us,” Kelly commented.

The political preaching clearly did not follow the advice of Golden Globes host and comedian Ricky Gervais, who told a Hollywood crowd, which included Phoenix, last week to avoid political preaching because they “know nothing about the real world.”

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