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Chris Matthews: Terrorist Soleimani Was A “Beloved Hero”

10-1-2020 < SGT Report 8 365 words

by Alicia Luke, Freedom OutPost:

Chris Matthews compares ‘beloved hero’ Qasem Soleimani’s death to those of Elvis and Princess Diana.

“When some people die, you don’t know what the impact is going to be. When Princess Diana died, for example, there was a huge emotional outpouring.”

“Elvis Presley in our culture. … It turns out that this general we killed was a beloved hero of the Iranian people to the point where look at the people, we got pictures up now, these enormous crowds coming out. There’s no American emotion in this case, but there’s a hell of a lot of emotion on the other side.”

Latest: Chris Matthews: Terrorist Soleimani Was A “Beloved Hero”

The Hill:

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews said the death of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani was comparable to that of Princess Diana and Elvis Presley during the Wednesday night edition of “Hardball.”

“There’s a hell of a lot of emotion” in Iran over the killing of Soleimani, said Matthews.

Soleimani led Iran’s Quds Force and was close to the country’s supreme leader. His funeral was attended by more than 1 million mourners in Tehran on Monday.  More

Ummm, I’m starting to have a loss for words for the over-the-top, bizarre reactions to the killing of the terrorist Soleimani. I mean, the news cycle has shown that the Democrats and the MSM have lost their minds.

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