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Additional 6 Months Granted to NATO Terrorists North of Syria by the UN Security Council

12-1-2020 < Global Research 7 943 words

Al-Qaeda terrorists operating in the north of Syria and oppressing millions of Syrians can now breathe comfort after the United Nations Security Council extended their supply routes from their regional sponsor NATO member state Turkey for an additional Six months within its Resolution 2504.

Thousands of earlier UNSC resolutions remain unimplemented, especially those related to solving the violations of the Israeli apartheid regime against the people of Palestine, Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon and the cross-border assassinations it carries out due to the absolute protection it gets from the three NATO member states in the UNSC.

His Excellency Bashar al Jaafari addressed the UN Security Council on Resolution 2504, on 10 January. The resolution subsequently passed, in what might be the largest Pontius Pilate abstention votes (4) in UN history. Scant reports suggest it is a watered-down extension of the criminal 2165 (2014), which breached the territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic.

At this writing, the full Resolution, and details of the meeting remain available; the UN website has cried poor-mouth in its inability to provide the essentials, though it did find the massive funding to do a release on the wailing and gnashing of teeth and rending of garment, by the colonialist clique running the circus.

Ojala! The triage geniuses were able to post this page, showing the usual colonialist wailing, though it couldn’t quite squeeze in that France was the lone country to vote in support of 2504. The penholding House Servants were inconsolable.

Ambassador al Jaafari began his statement in noting the “inhumane scene” of the “two charters” of the assemblage: The written one, filled with noble aspirations, and the active one, of “political agenda” by some member states, a biased agenda which sullies the noble, written charter.

Some penholders and members have “refuted” the UN Charter’s lofty mission.

“Since the onset of the terrorist war against my country,” Dr. Jaafari continued, the Syrian government has made “relentless efforts to ensure” the delivery of essential goods and services to its citizenry, including food, healthcare, education, and salaries, despite the illicit economic coercive measures erroneously named “sanctions.” The Syrian Arab Red Crescent and authorized NGOs have successfully worked with OCHA, in such deliveries, yet OCHA representatives at the UN engage in partiality, having “taken sides of western states” in hostility toward Syria.

He decried the hypocrisy of OCHA and the Under Secretary, cheering the criminality against his country. “So, OCHA today is providing food and humanitarian assistance to Idlib terrorists, who are bound to Tripoli in Libya through Turkey. That’s the ‘humanitarian’ action envisioned.”

Syria UN Jaafari Humanitarian Aid Delivered by SARC Syrian Arab Red Crescent - السفير بشار الجعفري حول المساعدات الإنسانية المقدمة من الهلال الأحمر العربي السوري - مجلس الأمن الدولي

Addressing Mark Lowcock’s “falsified” stats at UNSC, Ambassador Jaafari shows documentation for SARC convoys in 2018. [Archive]

UN Lowcock Humanitarian Syria

Lowcock averts his gaze from documentation held by H.E. Jaafari. [Archive]

Thought the Charter is clear on the inviolability of sovereign rights of member states, UNSCR 2165 (2014) and extensions UNSCR 2393 (2017), UNSCR 2449 (2018) all violated Syria’s territorial integrity.

“Penholders” can accurately be described as ”teachers pets” culled from the General Assembly to give the best performances of House Servants, to the P3 masters.

Beginning with 2165, these resolutions permitting breach of Syrian sovereignty have provided terrorists with weapons — including of a chemical nature — finance, and the ability to smuggle out Syrian oil, artifacts, and property; Jabhat al Nusra terrorists occupying Idlib, have received their life line from Turkey, especially.

September 2014

Excellency Jaafari reminded the Security Council that penholders have no legal standing at the UN. Current penholders, Kuwait, Belgium, and Germany have displayed unprofessional and unethical actions during this period. The Belgian let slip, during the meeting, that the trio had been “consulting with” council members and “neighboring countries,” not with Syria.

He reminded them that the capital of Syria is Damascus, not cities in foreign countries.

Diplomat Jaafari discredited the members who act as though engaged in Playstation games.


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