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MSNBC Terrorizing Americans Proves They Are ‘The Enemy Of The American People’: The MSM Pushing Iranian State Propaganda Could Be Considered Treason

13-1-2020 < SGT Report 5 1229 words

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– We Should Do Everything We Can To Put The Corrupt Media Out Of Business In 2020

Imagine for a moment if you will that you were the mother or father or husband or wife or son or daughter of one of the brave men and women stationed in Iraq this very moment when all of a sudden and out of the blue, you got a phone call from one of the few remaining MSNBC viewers who had watched NBC’s Tehran bureau chief Ali Arouzi abruptly claim on the air that Iranian rocket attacks had just killed 30 American soldiers there.

While soon thereafter his remarks were determined to be ‘fake news’ and Iranian-state propaganda, those initial moments of terror unleashed by a fake news report coming from a mainstream media outlet here in America that clearly devolved into pushing ‘globalist propaganda’ years ago might have caused a heart attack or panic attack in relatives of those deployed there. And while Arouzi did claim on air that he was unable to confirm the Iranian military report, as Jason Howerton stated on twitter, that ‘fake news’ was incredibly disrespectful to the family members and loved ones of US military personnel deployed in Iraq.

Urging MSNBC to either ‘do better or delete your network’, as we’ll explore within this new ANP story, the recklessness of spewing Iranian and globalist propaganda by the mainstream news media networks for years has led to the massive ‘dumbing down’ of Americans across the nation, people who no longer know nor understand their GOD-given rights protected by the US Constitution and as we’ll explore within this story, the msm pushing enemy propaganda during a time of war is nothing less than treason.

As we’ll see in the series of screenshots from twitter above and below, Americans exploded on MSNBC following their fake news report for pushing Iranian propaganda, lies spread to help Iranians ‘win’, while quite literally ‘terrorizing’ the American people with the same lies. So first, from this story over at the Washington Sentinel and then a look at what Americans are thinking about having Iranian state propaganda shoved down their throats while Democrats and the msm heap sympathy on those who want Americans dead.

NBC News Tehran bureau chief Ali Arouzi relayed an Iranian state media report indicating that Iranian rocket attacks had killed 30 American soldiers—a report that was not confirmed and proved false.

“The IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] was saying that Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader of this country, was in the control center coordinating these attacks,” he told anchor Chris Matthews during a broadcast of Hardball on MSNBC. “This bit I’m not sure about but Iran state media says 30 U.S. soldiers have been killed in this attack. This is not confirmed, it’s just coming from Iranian media.”

Then Twitter EXPLODED:


(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER! Following Susan Duclos’ recent heart attacks and hospitalization, All News Pipeline will need some financial help in the days and weeks ahead. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this ‘Info-war’ for America at a time of systematic censorship and widespread corruption.)

With one person calling out MSNBC for ‘pushing war so they can then condemn Trump for war’ while others call them out for their complete and total disrespect for US military members and their families while nearly everyone called them out for pushing ‘fake news’ and Iranian propaganda, why hasn’t the FBI or DOJ stepped in as another asked, for ‘aiding and abetting the enemy’.

But  we really shouldn’t be the least bit surprised with the mainstream media long ago neglecting their primary duty of being a ‘watchdog’ over corruption and instead embracing it, becoming its ‘propaganda wing’ with most of the mainstream media long ago selling out the American people for globalism and pushing the Democrats anti-America agenda. And as The Blaze reports in this recent story, it hasn’t just been MSNBC that’s gone all-in on peddling Iranian propaganda, CNN has as well as also seen in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story. From the Blaze story.

There is a long history of American media acting as the propaganda arm of American enemies, from Walter Duranty’s praise of the Soviet regime to the present day, when outlets like CNN and MSNBC air, without challenge, Iranian propaganda on television.

Since Friday’s drone attack that killed Iranian terrorist mastermind Qassem Soleimani, CNN and MSNBC have given a voice to Iranian propaganda. In stark contrast to how they routinely cover President Donald Trump, the outlets offered very little pushback.

On Tuesday, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour interviewed Iranian Vice President for Women and Family Affairs Massoumeh Ebtekar about the drone attack. In the 15-minute interview, Amanpour offered no serious pushback on Ebtekar’s claims, which included calling the elimination of one of the world’s most notorious terrorists a “terrorist action.”

As the Daily Caller noted, “Amanpour also failed to acknowledge that Ebtekar was chief spokeswoman for a group of Iranian students who held 52 American diplomats hostage at the U.S. embassy in Iran for 444 days, from 1979 to 1981.”

Also on Tuesday, MSNBC aired propaganda directly from Iran that claimed that U.S. soldiers had been killed as a result of the rocket attacks earlier in the day. The claim was shared on Chris Hayes’ program. Hayes also forcefully called out the Trump administration, saying, “War with Iran is madness … strategically and morally a disaster.”

Is it too much to ask that the American media treat Iran with at least the same skepticism, if not more, as they treat President Trump?

The media seem to buy into the old Middle Eastern proverb, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”


So are the likes of CNN and MSNBC REALLY ‘enemies of the American people’ as even President Donald Trump has stated numerous times and many of these twitter responses claim? And if so, where should the line be drawn before these ‘enemies of America within’ are rounded up and arrested for pushing ‘enemy propaganda’? As we hear in the 1st video below on the Matt Walsh show, behavior of the msm and Democrats since the ‘Iran affair’ began has not only been despicable but bordering upon treasonous.

While the msm would quickly pounce on treason arrests as evidence of President Trump trying to do away with the 1st Amendment, the independent news media is proof the 1st Amendment is still alive, (if not ‘well’ with big tech censorship), though the dumbed-down masses would likely go crazy and riot in the streets should any arrests of msm personalities pushing Iranian propaganda take place.

With Democrats and the msm quite literally slobbering over Iran as seen in the 2nd video below showing us 3+ straight minutes of the msm praising Iran, while even this Wall Street Journal opinion piece calls out the Democrats for their current love of Iran, let’s take a look here at ‘the bigger picture’. As this opinion story at The Nation – Thailand reported, most people have no idea they’re being lied to daily with nearly all of the mainstream media ‘bought and paid for’ globalist propaganda.

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