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18-1-2020 < SGT Report 23 686 words

from Silver Doctors:

SD Friday Wrap: It must be getting really bad when the US Federal Government’s own numbers show massive price inflation…

Editor’s Note: These charts were set up at approximately 1:00 p.m. EST on Friday, Jan 17th, 2020.


Everybody in the United States has been focused on pretty much everything, except for healthcare.

That is to say, the Deep State is offering plenty of distraction in the United States right now, but it seems like they’re trying to avoid the issue of healthcare altogether.

For example, those who follow the mainstream news have been bombarded by (no pun intended, and in no particular order):

  • The War with Iran

  • The Trump Impeachment

  • The 2020 Election

  • The Democrat debates

  • The BOOMING stock market

  • The Phase One Trade Deal

Furthermore, a person could be “woke”, for whatever that’s worth, and still be confused about the true state of healthcare in the United States.

Hat tip to the reader who brought this to my attention.

What is the true state of healthcare in the United States?

Healthcare costs are skyrocketing.

Please allow me to set the stage and then to explain.

President Trump has been boasting about all of the great things he’s been doing for healthcare in the United States.

Here’s an example from 2017:

It is hard to say, on net, how good or how bad President Trump has made the healthcare system in the United States, but it is easy to see him claim to be making it for the better.

That’s a claim he makes time and time again.

Here’s an example of President Trump boasting about his plans for healthcare in the Spring of 2019:

It’s safe to say that we’re now coming into 2020 election crunch time, so we should be seeing President Trump’s “wonderful HealthCare package” on “full display” very soon.

Of course, we’re not seeing it on display just yet, and there’s a very good reason for that, and we discussed that reason in today’s Silver Doctors Live.

In the Fall of 2019, President Trump was boasting about how prescription drug prices had gone down for the first time in 50 years:

It seems as if President Trump is hard at work making healthcare better for Americans.

Only, there’s a problem.

Well, several problems.

All of the problems point to the same true conclusion: Healthcare costs are skyrocketing for Americans.

Right now.

They are.

On Tuesday of this week, the BLS just released it’s latest Consumer Price Index (inflation statistics), and the report covers the change in prices over the entirety of 2019.

Stated in simple terms, in the latest CPI, we basically found out how much prices rose (or fell) for various things from the beginning of 2019 until the end of 2019.

If you scroll down to pages 36 and 37 of the CPI linked above, we see some troubling statistics, and let’s look at just a few of them, taking them at face value, which I would not do, but will here for argument’s sake, because it has been proven time and time again that the government understates inflation.

Worthy to note is that in 2019, “medical care services” were up 5.1% on the year.

The 5.1% price increase is not exactly “skyrocketing”, but when we take into consideration the “far lower costs” President Trump said were coming, when he said that back in 2017, could it not be argued that a move from “far lower” prices, as Trump said were coming, to a more than 5.0% increase in prices is indeed a skyrocket move?

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