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The Scandza Forum Fundraiser: The Great Debate

28-1-2020 < Counter Currents 52 517 words

420 words

Race is at the center of current political discourse, but still many people, even on the Right, claim that race doesn’t really exist.

Dr. E. Michael Jones has a PhD in American Literature, he is the author of numerous books related to the downfall of the West, he is a prominent spokesman for Catholicism, and he has a huge following on the Right.

When I heard interviews with him where he repeatedly said things like “race. . . is a fiction,” that only Christianity can explain the differences in cultural accomplishment between countries like Germany and Tanzania in Africa, and that language alone defines ethnicity, I immediately wanted to invite him to a debate at one of my events, to see how he would defend those claims.

And who better to debate him than Jared Taylor?

Both these gentlemen have accepted my invitation to fly in and do a live debate at the next Scandza Forum on the topic: “Is race an important reality, or a fiction?” This will take place on May 2nd, somewhere in Europe.

Additional speakers at this exciting event include Greg Johnson, Edward Dutton, Millennial Woes, and Fróði Midjord.

But organizing an event like this isn’t free — it takes both hard work and funding — so we need your help to pull it off. The costs we need to cover include:

  • A large conference venue

  • Travel expenses for the speakers

  • Accommodations for the speakers

  • Transportation

  • Technical equipment

This will be the debate of the decade, and it’s sure to become a classic. Not everyone can speak their mind in public, but everyone can do something to support those who do.

If you want to support the continued work of the Scandza Forum and make sure that we can make this event happen, please follow the instructions below and send us a contribution. Thank you in advance for your generous help.

There are two main ways you can send us donations:

Credit card:

Follow this link to send us a credit card donation. Note that:

  • Our payment processor does not allow us to receive transactions under $10.

  • There is an 8% processing fee, so please feel free to round up the transaction in order to help us cover the transaction cost.


  • Bitcoin address: 1DKQ4NR88y4DK7khE4xFmvBxQFUyw6ZLC3

  • Ethereum address: 0x3a6D6A69260cF733c32AB51E1C83B8f39c48dc4A

If you prefer some other method for supporting us, please send me an email at [email protected].

Finally, I want to thank Greg Johnson and Counter-Currents for posting this announcement, and for their untiring and loyal support for the Scandza Forum in general.

Scandza Forum event poster
