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More Chinese now under LOCKDOWN than the entire population of the United States, 400 million people in over 60 cities

13-2-2020 < Natural News 28 670 words
Image: More Chinese now under LOCKDOWN than the entire population of the United States, 400 million people in over 60 cities

(Natural News) Most people are probably aware of the fact that communist China is home to far more people than the United States. But did you also know that there are now more people under mandatory lockdown in China due to novel coronavirus than there are people currently living in America, period?

According to reports, the recent expansion of the coronavirus quarantine to Guangzhou has brought the total number of Chinese people living under communist martial law to about 400 million. The current U.S. population, on the other hand, is just under 330 million.

As for the current infection rate, the numbers are all over the map. If you believe the official numbers, there are now more than 45,000 confirmed cases of novel coronavirus, with more than 1,100 deaths. If you believe the “conspiracy” numbers, it could be more like 154,000 infected and 25,000 dead.

Regardless, the Chinese economy and the supply chains it supports are quickly coming to a halt due to this global emergency. With the recent end of the Chinese Lunar New Year, Chinese companies should have opened back up for business, except many of them couldn’t because Wuhan coronavirus threw a wrench in their plans.

Hyundai, Kia, and several other major car manufacturers have had their production disrupted in China as parts manufacturers were unable to enlist their employees back to work due to mandatory government quarantines. Multiple cruise liners are also facing serious problems docking at Asian ports, not to mention multiple reports of hundreds of people falling ill while traveling on cruise ships.

Since everything is interconnected in our new globalist reality, the coronavirus crisis is sure to eventually hit the American economy as well. Listen below as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about what will happen once the stock market delusion collides with the reality of this global pandemic:

Chinese President Xi orders firms to increase output even as 400 million Chinese are under mandatory government lockdown

The crisis is surely being felt in Beijing, where a total shutdown has led to “a demand collapse and supply-chain shutdown,” according to Rabobank’s Michael Every, who added that the impact “is just too much to bear” for communist China.

At the same time, Chinese President Xi Jinping has decreed that China will somehow meet its economic goals while simultaneously winning the battle against novel coronavirus. And this is all going to happen as Beijing and other Chinese cities and provinces remain closed for business due to mandatory quarantine measures.

This type of double-talk is quintessential for China, and for the United States if we’re really honest with ourselves. Every says China has “a freely-floating, controlled currency,” which we also do, as well as “market-determined, state-directed interest rates,” which, again, we also do.

“Things are going to get nasty for economies and markets, especially with official WHO (World Health Organization) word that a vaccine is 18 months away,” he further adds.

For one Chinese company known as Suzhou that tried to reopen after the Chinese Lunar New Year came to a close, a new case of novel coronavirus was almost immediately detected. The result was that all 200-plus employees at the company were not allowed to return home and were immediately placed under mandatory quarantine – this being the current state of China’s economy, soon to be felt by the rest of the world as the virus continues to take its devastating toll.

The latest coronavirus news can be accessed at

You can also keep up with the latest coronavirus news in video format by checking out the official channel of The Health Ranger Report.

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