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‘Colonial rule ended in 1947!’ Indians lay into British MP & Kashmir policy critic who demanded instant visa for ‘private visit’

17-2-2020 < RT 26 361 words

A British MP outraged that she was denied entry to India over a revoked visa has received a harsh backlash online, with some reminding the lawmaker – a critic of Delhi’s policies in Kashmir – that India is no longer a UK subject.

Debbie Abrahams, an MP who chairs the UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Group for Kashmir, was informed her visa had been rescinded after landing at an airport in New Delhi on Monday. Taking to Twitter after the incident, Abrahams demanded to know why she was barred entry, suggesting her vocal criticism of “human rights issues” in Kashmir motivated the move and insisting she was merely on a ‘private’ visit to see relatives.

Many on social media were not impressed by the display, however, with a number of Indian netizens sensing a whiff of “colonial hangover” in the lawmaker’s complaints.

“After 14th August 1947, entering into India ceased being a ‘right’ for the Brits,”wrote Yusuf Unjhawala, editor of the Indian Defence Forum.

One parliamentarian from the ruling BJP weighed in with a bit of travel advice for the MP, suggesting she ought to ensure her paperwork is valid prior to traveling to a foreign country.
