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Biden: There Will Be Opportunity in ‘Next Round’ to Use ‘Green Deal’ to Boost Economy

26-3-2020 < No Fake News 17 463 words
Joe Biden boasts there will be an opportunity in next round to use green deal to boost economy

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden says he believes there will be an opportunity “in the next round” to use his green deal to spur economic growth in America.

During video remarks on Wednesday, the former Vice President responded to a question on what policies he will tout to reach out to younger voters. reports:“Well, first of all, this is about, what I’m talking about today is making sure that your generation…doesn’t end up behind the eight-ball. Because you get hurt by this so badly you can’t ever, when you get out of school, be able to move. And so, for example, I strongly believe there’s a need for us to, as it relates to the help that is needed now for the economy and your generation, is I think there should be a $10,000 forgiveness of student loans across the board for anyone who is, in fact, affected now, from this point on, as we fight this pandemic. So, when we fund money, we find money to do that. Number two, I think it’s vitally important that we have a healthcare proposal, that’s why I’m strongly arguing that this administration drop their attempt to do away in court with Obamacare with — and we build on Obamacare immediately, to be able to provide for all the economic impact that is going to be required from the healthcare system, that people don’t have to bear that themselves, it can be paid for, and they know how to — they know it’s going to be paid for.”

He continued, “Thirdly, we’re going to have an opportunity, I believe, in the next round here, to use the — my green economy, my green deal, or — to be able to generate both economic growth that’s consistent with the kind of infusion of monies we need into the system to keep it going. One of the ways to make sure these jobs are available, that may get lost or hurt in the meantime, is to provide the kind of jobs that have prevailing wages where people are making $45, 50 an hour plus benefits, by building new infrastructure. We’re going to need new infrastructure going down the road here. And it’s a way to generate economic growth. That’s going to be, I think, the next round we have to be looking at.”
