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Russian government employee quarantined after possibly contracting Covid-19

26-3-2020 < RT 18 226 words

An employee of the Russian government who may have tested positive for the Covid-19 virus has been put under quarantine, and those he had contact with are being monitored.

The employee’s test results have been sent for additional verification, the government said on Thursday. Meanwhile, his colleagues have been placed under observation and the areas in government buildings where he had been working have been disinfected, it said.

The government did not offer information on which department of government the man works in or what kind of official he is.

As of Thursday, Russia has reported 840 confirmed cases of the Covid-19 virus, with 136 of them in Moscow.

Also on World Health Organization believes it's too early to introduce STRICT quarantine in Russia, Kremlin agrees

In a televised address on Wednesday, President Vladimir Putin urged Russians to stay at home and announced that the next week would be a holiday week. Meanwhile, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said that all non-essential businesses in the capital will be closed from the weekend. 

Russian authorities have also banned large public gatherings and announced that international flights will be temporarily banned from Friday to halt the spread of the infection.

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