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Portland mayor calls on landlords to suspend evictions during crisis

26-3-2020 < Attack the System 28 280 words

From what I have seen so far, the responses of the states and localities to the current crisis have been reasonably competent, from conservatives like Mike DeWine to liberals like Kate Snyder. Not what I would like, of course, but it is what it is given the political realities. The performance of the Trump administration has been mediocre. I, for one, do not trust Anthony Fauci because I remember him pushing the HIV/AIDS hysteria in the 1980s. And the performance of Congress has been worse than terrible. More evidence of why we need decentralization.

By Dennis Hoey

Portland Press Herald

The mayor of Maine’s largest city is calling on landlords to halt evictions and suspend rent increases for at least 90 days while the state and nation try to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Mayor Kate Snyder said Monday she was offering “guidance” to landlords in hopes they will comply and make efforts to keep financially strapped tenants, who could be facing job loss or reduced incomes, in their homes during the outbreak.

Snyder suggests landlords follow recommendations from the National Multifamily Housing Council, which has asked congressional leaders to provide financial relief to the millions of people who rent apartments in the United States, as well as to their landlords.

Those recommendations include halting evictions for 90 days for those who can show they have been financially affected by the outbreak, as well as suspending rent increases for 90 days to help residents weather the crisis.

