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Bern-Out: Sanders Ends Presidential Campaign, ‘Movement’ Continues

8-4-2020 < 21st Century Wire 36 306 words

Bernie Sanders

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders ended his 2020 Presidential Election run earlier today, making the official announcement over live stream on Twitch:

Sanders called his path to the Democratic nomination “virtually impossible”, and added that continuing his campaign during the coronavirus crisis would detract from the “important work required of all of us in this difficult hour.”

He vowed to continue the ‘movement’, injecting his signature policy platform, Medicare-for-All, into his drop-out announcement saying the coronavirus “has exposed for all to see how absurd our current employer-based health insurance system is.”

Sanders failed to build a majority coalition in the Democratic Party, and his campaign experienced several peaks and valleys along the way, including a primary day debacle in Iowa, a double-digit lead in the polls, the Michael Bloomberg experiment, an oddly timed Russiagate twist, and finally a proper shellacking on Super Tuesday by Joe Biden.

What will become of his most fervent supporters, “The Squad” and other hard-line ‘progressives’ in the party? Will Bernie lead them, once again, as he did in 2016, towards the Democratic establishment’s pick?

One thing is for sure, ‘Berners’ everywhere are feeling it right now as they sit traumatized at a social distance.

READ MORE 2020 ELECTION NEWS: 21st Century Wire 2020 Election Files

