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A Voice of Reason in Storm of Corona Hysteria

21-4-2020 < 21st Century Wire 25 204 words

Since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, a number of independent publications and journalists have come under attacked state-run media outlets and their pundits defending the government ‘lockdown’ policies and the suspension of civil liberties. However, as the tide begins to turn and governments’ lockdown logic rapidly erodes, dissenters are being vindicated. One voice of sanity amid all the pro-government hysteria is British journalist Peter Hitchens.

The New Culture Forum speaks Hitchens who directly challenges the UK government’s mass-panic Coronavirus lockdown policy and explains why its enthusiastic embrace by the British public disturbs him greatly. Hitchens also maintained that restricting civil liberties, locking down a healthy population, and stalling a healthy economy is extremely dangerous – and even reckless – activities that risk irreparable harm to individuals, society and the nation, and will ultimately threaten our very way of life. Watch:

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