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Delingpole: Michael Moore Has Become a ‘Hero’ to ‘Climate Deniers’, Complains Guardian

12-5-2020 < SGT Report 21 351 words

by James Delingpole, Breitbart:

“How did Michael Moore become a hero to climate deniers and the far right?” asks a disturbed and tearful George Monbiot in the Guardian.

Simple: by speaking the truth, for a change.

Unlike almost every other prominent leftist you could name in the world, Moore has finally admitted that the renewable energy emperor is wearing no clothes. Far from being “clean” energy or “green” energy, renewables are in fact a dirty, ugly, planet-destroying fail.

Planet of the Humans, the environmental documentary executive-produced by Moore and directed by and starring his fellow leftist Jeff Gibbs, has now had more than 7 million views on YouTube.

Their natural leftist allies aren’t at all happy with this, though. Indeed some of them — such as left-wing activist Josh Fox and discredited climate scientist Michael Mann — initially attempted to get the movie pulled by its distributors.

When they realised that this wasn’t possible — the film remains stubbornly available for free viewing on YouTube — they then backed down from their threat. They defended their pusillanimity, lamely, by claiming: “We don’t want to give them extra publicity.”

It would take a heart of stone not to laugh at the wailing, gnashing of teeth and general discombobulation Moore’s anti-renewables bombshell has caused within the green movement.

Sure the film says nothing that I haven’t been saying at Breitbart and elsewhere for over a decade: that renewables are expensive, environmentally destructive, do not reduce fossil fuel usage, do not reduce CO2 emissions, kill birds and bats, ruin views, despoil nature, enrich crony capitalists at the expense of ordinary energy users, etc.

But what makes it so especially deadly and effective a weapon against the green movement is that it was made not by one of its avowed enemies but by its natural allies.

As I argue in Spectator Australia:

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