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Rep. Nunes: ‘No Doubt in My Mind’ Criminal Referrals Coming for Mueller Team

18-5-2020 < SGT Report 21 530 words

by Erin Cotes, Western Journal:

Rep. Devin Nunes will be pursuing multiple criminal referrals for the people on former special counsel Robert Mueller’s team after more information has been released about how the Justice Department handled the Trump-Russia investigation.

“We’re looking at doing criminal referrals on the Mueller team, the Mueller dossier team, the Mueller witch hunt, whatever you want to call it,” the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee told Fox Nation “Witch Hunt” host Gregg Jarrett this week.

“That’s where we are now in our investigation.”

Nunes made similar comments in February as he and other House Republicans went through FBI interview memos that had not yet been made public.

“We’re now going through these [FBI interview memos], and we’re going to be making criminal referrals on the Mueller dossier team, the people that put this Mueller report together,” Nunes told Just The News on its “John Solomon Reports” podcast at the time.

The California Republican is now turning his attention to the conduct of the special counsel after the Justice Department filed a motion to dismiss the charges against former Trump administration National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn.

“We’re doing a large criminal referral on the Mueller dossier team that put together a fraudulent report — that knew there was no collusion the day that Mueller walked in the door,” Nunes said.

“They set an obstruction of justice trap. There’s no doubt in my mind that we will make a conspiracy referral there.”

Nunes has long said that Mueller always knew there was no evidence of the Trump campaign colluding with Russians.

Nunes sent eight criminal referrals to Attorney General William Barr in April 2019, alleging “potential violations” of the law and misconduct during the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Barr also released a redacted version of Mueller’s final report in April 2019 and said “there was no evidence of the Trump campaign collusion with the Russian government’s hacking,” NPR reported.

In this week’s interview, Nunes said he now will be asking the Department of Justice to look into potential obstruction of the congressional investigation into the Russia probe’s origins.

Nunes said recently released documents show that there was more information out there and that Mueller’s team “lied and misled Congress by omission.”

“They thought it was cute to just not give us things, not tell us things and say that they met the requirements,” he said. “Well, now that these documents are turning up, you know, who was guiding the redactions that were done? Who was instructing things to remain classified?”

“Was that the leadership of DOJ and the FBI communicating with Mueller? And was that Mueller making that call or was that the senior leadership? Look, that’s not for us to determine,” Nunes added. “That’s for a U.S. attorney to determine who was lying.”

“I want to see all of them held accountable for this.”

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