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Hillary Clinton Portrays Lockdown Protesters as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ in Stunning Tweet

20-5-2020 < SGT Report 24 317 words

by Andrew West, Freedom OutPost:

Hillary Clinton has long been considered the political antithesis to Donald Trump, and it’s not only because the two faced off against one another in 2016.  Clinton has a long history of exploiting her political position to enhance her own wealth, and in ways that have been exposed as downright nefarious.

For Trump, success came first, and not on the backs of the American taxpayer.

So now, as Clinton looks around the nation and sees a conservative awakening rearing its head, she can do little but lash out at what she sees.  What’s worrisome is just how delusional her rhetoric has become.

Unsuccessful 2016 Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton lumped in armed shutdown protesters with “domestic terrorism” following Michigan shutdown protests.

On May 15, 2020, she reacted to armed protesters in Michigan by tweeting:

While only about 5% of the protesters who participated were armed, local politicians were still expressing their concerns…often a bit dramatically.

Clinton’s tweet came after Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) claimed she received death threats and promises of other acts of violence by alleged protest rally supporters.

Newsweek quoted Whitmer saying, “There are legislators who are wearing bulletproof vests to go to work. No one should be intimidated by someone who’s bringing in an assault rifle into their workplace.”

As of this writing, no violent incidents have occurred in the vicinity of these anti-lockdown protests, which further dilutes the Clintonian argument about “domestic terrorism”.

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