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Facebook's "oversight board" is a complete joke when the social media giant is blacklisting entire PLATFORMS of content to try to force censorship of just one video

29-5-2020 < Natural News 26 658 words
Image: Facebook’s “oversight board” is a complete joke when the social media giant is blacklisting entire PLATFORMS of content to try to force censorship of just one video

(Natural News) The social media crackdown on free speech has escalated once again with the implementation of a new “oversight board” at Facebook that, as you may have noticed, no longer allows the sharing of any content from Natural News or Brighteon – including through Messenger.

Also known as Facebook’s “supreme court,” this far-left governing body will hand-select which content is acceptable on Facebook and which content has to be censored, completely sidestepping the United States Constitution and the First Amendment.

In case you think we might be exaggerating, this oversight board openly brags about flouting the rights and liberties afforded to the American people. Its stated goal is to shift away from “a U.S. constitutional-law paradigm towards an international human rights approach,” meaning increased censorship and more stifling of free speech.

This is according to Catalina Botero-Marino, a co-chair of Facebook’s oversight board who wants to shed any remaining American norms at Facebook and make the platform more aligned with European and other international norms – you know, norms that foment tyranny and discourage independent thought.

Amazingly, Facebook claims that these changes are part of a company-wide effort to increase “accountability” and “transparency.” Mark Zuckerberg has also stated that he sees this new oversight board as a replacement for the actual Supreme Court, as it has the power to deliver “binding decisions” and “policy advisory statements,” except at the global level.

Check out the following episode of The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, discusses how this type of Big Tech tyranny needs to be brought to an immediate end:

Is Facebook morphing into its own global government?

In an attempt to lessen the blow, Facebook has indicated that its new supreme court has at least six “constitutional lawyers” on board. This is apparently supposed to quell all fears that Facebook might be trying to completely sidestep American law, despite existing and doing business in the U.S.

But it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what is actually going on with this new policing system, the “constitutional features” of which are specious at best. Even a cursory look at what the new system entails reveals that Facebook is trying to become its own government that controls what people say and do through social media, much like Twitter, Google, YouTube, Pinterest, Amazon, and all of the rest are doing.

What this all means is that the world can expect a whole lot more silencing of unpopular viewpoints, as well as false accusations of “hate speech” any time a leftist sees, hears, or reads something that she does not like. And Facebook will be there to rescue her from being “offended” by silencing those doing the “offending.”

It all aligns with a leaked briefing from Google that was published back in 2018 entitled, “The Good Censor.” In this briefing, Google admitted that itself and other tech companies had “shifted towards censorship” after 2016, a move that included abandoning the American tradition.

Google openly stated at the time that it now “prioritizes free speech for democracy, not civility.” It also now “favors dignity over liberty, and civility over freedom,” which is completely antithetical to the Constitution and directly in line with the European approach.

As for Facebook, there are no conservatives to be found anywhere on its oversight board, which just goes to show that it is perfectly allied with Google. Conservative viewpoints are now considered “uncivil,” and thus worthy of censorship, while leftist “tolerance” is the only thing that remains.

To keep up with the latest news about Big Tech tyranny, be sure to check out

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