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Austria says shoppers won’t need to wear face masks from June 15 as lockdown rules are relaxed

29-5-2020 < RT 14 142 words

Austria’s shoppers will no longer be required to wear face masks, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on Friday, as he outlined the next phase of loosening coronavirus restrictions. “Face masks will no longer be compulsory in shops or in school,” Kurz told reporters. The changes will take effect on June 15.

Masks will still be compulsory on public transport, in health facilities including pharmacies, and at service providers where social distancing cannot be ensured, such as hairdressers.

A limit allowing bars and restaurants to seat no more than four adults at a table will be lifted, and a mandatory closing time of 11:00pm will be extended for two more hours.

“We are happy… because it means easing restrictions. But I am honest enough to add today that if the situation worsens it will be necessary to reintroduce measures regionally,” Kurz said.
