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Thursday Conversation – Jim Willie

8-6-2020 < SGT Report 16 237 words

by Turd Ferguson, TF Metals Report:

Our daily podcast series concludes today with a visit from our old pal, The Golden Jackass himself, Jim Willie. As with all of the other discussions this week, this podcast today is FREE and PUBLICLY available to all. So please have a listen and, when you’re done, feel free to forward some or all of these discussions to anyone you know who is taking a renewed interest in the precious metals and the changing global monetary system.

Click HERE to listen

For today, I asked Jim to primarily focus upon just one topic….something that Luke Gromen brought up back on Monday. Namely, are The Fed and the other major central banks simply calling in as much debt as possible, making the holders “whole” in current terms and then setting the stage for some sort of monetary reset?

If you know Jim, all I had to do was get him started. He took the bit and ran with it so this podcast doesn’t simply focus upon that primary question…The Jackass never disappoints with all sorts of extra, helpful information along the way.

Thanks for listening and thanks for your patience this week as I’ve been away. Regular TFMR service will resume tomorrow but until then, please enjoy this final podcast installment.

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