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Former VA Governor Recorded Saying Democrats Prefer Biden Stay In The Basement (VIDEO)

12-6-2020 < SGT Report 31 263 words

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

Joe Biden has been campaigning from his basement for months now, and some Democrats want to keep it that way.

Terry McAuliffe recorded saying Dems prefer Biden stay ‘in the basement’

EXCLUSIVE: Top Joe Biden surrogate Terry McAuliffe told a videoconference meeting of Virginia Democrats over the weekend that the former vice president should remain in his basement — where he has famously campaigned remotely during the coronavirus pandemic — and that Democratic officials are broadly “preferring” that Biden stay out of the limelight.

Fox News has obtained a video of McAuliffe’s Norfolk comments, which came after Biden has made a series of gaffes in his already-limited public appearances as he social distanced from home — including by declaring that African-Americans who support President Trump “ain’t black.”

“People say all the time, ‘Oh, we got to get the vice president out of the basement,’” McAuliffe told the “monthly breakfast” of the Norfolk City Democratic Committee. “He’s fine in the basement. Two people see him a day: his two body people. That’s it. Let Trump keep doing what Trump’s doing.”

McAuliffe served as campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential run. At the Zoom videoconference, he was introduced by a senior Norfolk Democrat, Charlie Stanton, who compared soldiers who participated in the D-Day landing to modern-day Antifa members.

Here’s the video:

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