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Democrat House Candidate In Texas: ‘If People Loot, So What? Burn It To The Ground’ (VIDEO)

12-6-2020 < SGT Report 17 231 words

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

Democrats are now siding with the people who are breaking the law.

Democratic House candidate Kim Olson: ‘If people loot, so what? Burn it to the ground’

A leading Democratic candidate in a closely watched House race brushed off looting and arson that occurred during nationwide unrest during protests about racism and police brutality sparked by the death of George Floyd.

“What the hell you got snipers on the roof for in a peaceful march? Even if people loot, so what? Burn it to the ground, you know, if that’s what it’s going to take to fix our nation,” retired Air Force Col. Kim Olson said during a live digital event on Tuesday, shown in a clip obtained by the Washington Examiner.

“I don’t think people want me to say that,” added Olson, a Democratic candidate in Texas’s 24th Congressional District, which covers much of the suburban area in between Fort Worth and Dallas.

Olson, 62, made the comment during a several-minute answer to a question about what she thought about far-left calls to disband or defund police departments.

Watch the video:

That’s unbelievable.

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