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Elderly Black Lives Matter protester injured by police and trolled by Trump in hiding after death threats

25-6-2020 < Attack the System 21 269 words

I’ve had a lot of elderly, FOX News watching Red Tribers tell me they were super pissed about what happened to Martin Gugino.

The Independent

Martin Gugino, the protester shoved to the ground by Buffalo police officers during the George Floyd protests, is recuperating in a secret location due to threats he’s received.

Mr Gugino’s attorney said on Thursday that his client had received “concerning and threatening messages and one letter” since he was assaulted by police officers in Buffalo.

The 75-year activist was seen in a viral video being shoved by a police officer. After hitting the ground, Mr Gugino lay unmoving, blood seeping from his ear. The officers marched by and ignored him, even after becoming aware of the blood. At one point, one officer actively prevents another officer from stopping to help.

Days after the video began circulating online, President Donald Trump tweeted out a conspiracy theory that Mr Gugino could have been an “antifa provocateur” who was trying to “scan police communications in order to black out the equipment.”

The president’s tweet – as well as other conspiracy theories alleging that Mr Gugino, a Catholic peace activist, was a plant or he was faking his injuries – has made the elderly activist a target of the far right.

