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BLM Endorses Sodomy, Abortion, Atheism and Is Anti-Family – No Christian Should Go Anywhere Near It

25-6-2020 < SGT Report 16 753 words

from Russia Insider:

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist, Marxist organization which promotes abortion and homosexuality. This wicked group was founded by lesbian feminists, and has received tens of millions of dollars in funding from the atheist George Soros.

To support Black Lives Matter is to turn away from Christ, and rejection of Christ makes a person unworthy to take Holy Communion.

Therefore, as a priest in the Orthodox Church, it is my duty to ban all members of Black Lives Matter from receiving Communion. I will not desecrate the precious Body and Blood of Christ, by allowing it to touch the unclean lips of those who are members of that satanic organization.

If you are willing to renounce that organization, and to cancel your membership in that group, then you can come to confession. You can be absolved of the sin you committed by joining Black Lives Matter. After that, you can take Holy Communion. After — not before. Until you demonstrate repentance, you will not receive the Eucharist.

Black Lives Matter is rotten to the core, and has been since the moment it began. This can be demonstrated by considering the founders of the movement, the activities of the organization, and the published statements on the group’s website.

The Unholy Founders of BLM — Lesbian, Feminist, Marxist

Black Lives Matter was founded by Patrisse Khan-Cullers, Opal Tometi, & Alicia Garza. Two of them are neo-marxist community organizers in the tradition of Saul Alinsky. All three are feminists. Two of them are lesbians. And these low-class women have made it a point to include their perversions at the very heart of the Black Lives Matter movement:

“it is not a coincidence that this iteration of the black freedom movement is led by queer folks. It’s not a coincidence, but that doesn’t mean that it’s any less challenging”

— Alicia Garza (cofounder of Black Lives Matter)

“My queerness, my blackness, my womanness, shaped Black Lives Matter.”

— Patrice Cullors (cofounder of Black Lives Matter)

Patrisse Khan-Cullers, Opal Tometi, & Alicia Garza

“Black Lives Matter affirms the lives of Black queer and trans folks . . . and all Black lives along the gender spectrum.”

— Alicia Garza (cofounder of Black Lives Matter), The Feminist Wire

“We have to look at queerness as a means towards challenging normativity.”

— Patrice Cullors (cofounder of Black Lives Matter), HuffPost

“BLM is inherently a movement sustained by a politics of blackness that is… unapologetically feminist, womanist, and queer.”

— David Green, Hearing the Queer Roots of Black Lives Matter

The Unholy Activities of BLM — Promoting Abortion, Marxism, & Homosexuality

Promoting Abortion

Black Lives Matter advocates the murder of unborn children. An article in Color Lines described how Black Lives Matter Partners with Reproductive Justice Groups to Fight for Black Women.

In this article, one of the BLM founders says that abortion rights are an integral part of BLM itself. As she herself states:

“reproductive justice is very much situated within the Black Lives Matter movement . . . So we certainly understand that BLM and reproductive justice go hand in hand.”

— Alicia Garza (cofounder of Black Lives Matter), Color Lines

She also joined forces with Cecile Richards — former CEO of Planned Parenthood — in order to start the political activist group, Supermajority, promoting an array of liberal feminist agendas, including abortion.

Alicia Garza & Cecile Richards

Promoting Marxism

Black Lives Matter advocates Marxist theory via the guise of the Black Liberation movement. A Marxist history archive on Black Liberation is available on the website. One of the founders of BLM explicitly states her desire to use Black Lives Matter as a tactic for furthering this Marxist agenda:

“Black Lives Matter . . . centers those that have been marginalized within Black liberation movements.  It is a tactic to (re)build the Black liberation movement.”

— Alicia Garza (cofounder of Black Lives Matter), The Feminist Wire

“To go forward, this movement needs to connect racism, police brutality, and economic demands.”

Garza and Cullors are two of the founders of BLM. One of the most infamous members of the Black Panthers, Assata Shakur, serves as the ideological inspiration for Black Lives Matter, with Garza and Cullors both admitting that she is one of their heroes.

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