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Bret and Heather: Sleeper Cells and the Capture of Everything

27-6-2020 < Attack the System 43 773 words

One very important aspect of the recent uprising that I have yet to see anyone point out is that, contra FAUX News, the lumpenproletarian class base of the insurrection are not “leftist revolutionaries” in any conventional sense. While this podcast by Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying is correct in its critique of how the left has sought to use school and universities as leftist training centers, it is the lumpenproletriat that is the least likely to have attended college, most likely to have dropped out of high school, and most likely to have gone to very poor quality elementary and middle-schools, where they had teachers that were practically illiterate and where they were of the least attentive students.

For decades, I have spent time around many thousands of lumpenproletarians. Many of them probably could not name a single US President, other than the most recent ones like Trump, Obama, Clinton, or the Bushes. Many of them do not know what a Protestant is (even if they are Protestant). Many do not know the meaning of the Fourth of July or what country America originally separated from. Many do not know what a Congressman is.

Even if they are black, they only know that Martin Luther King was an important black leader. They don’t know why he was named “Martin Luther,” when he died, what decades he was active in, or anything he ever said other than “I have a dream.” Many lumpens do not know in what century the Civil War was fought.

As for World War Two, they know that Hitler was German and he killed a lot of Jewish people, which they learned from the History Channel, but they don’t know the decade or even the century in which World War Two was fought. They often believe in ghosts, think UFOs are real and have been hidden from us by the government, think the world is run by the Illuminati, or that the flat earthers may have a point. They often believe in astrology. They cannot name a single right that is protected by the First Amendment, or even explain what the First Amendment is. They cannot name a single branch of government other than “president.”

If they have ever heard of Karl Marx, they think he was Russian, although they would have no clue as to where to find Russia on a map. Ask them about “intersectionality,” and they think you’re talking about street traffic. I’ve had folks ask me if it was possible to drive to Amsterdam. Some of them won’t know what grade their own kids are in.

Everything that I mentioned in the above paragraphs is based on conversations I have had with not only lumpenproletarians but conventional poor and working-class people, and even college students, of all races, religions, genders, etc.  Nothing I mentioned above was made up or exaggerated.

The point being is that these folks are not privilege-checking SJWs but from, what I can tell, they were the class base of those who made their move against the System in recent weeks.  Probably the most important thing that I have learned from the recent insurrection is that those of us who are committed to the total overthrow of the System do not need either the Left or the Right. What we need is more direct action by the vanguard classes. Everybody else can get in line.

How do Schools of Education spread the new religion of intersectionality and woke politics to K-12 teachers, who then spread it to children? How young is too young to be trained as an activist? Are there any industries that are free of this indoctrination? What is happening in the theater, and to other forms of narrative and fiction? Why is the DNC (Democratic National Committee) falling in line, rather than standing up to the nonsense? Why did the democrats abandon their base—working people, including especially blue-collar workers—and to what effect? Do university administrators have thoughts? Are we at the end of empathy? Isn’t this what a horizontal revolution looks like? In this 26th in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world though an evolutionary lens. Find more from us on Bret’s website ( or Heather’s website (
