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A Man That Saw The Catastrophic Events Of 2020 In Advance Is Now Warning About What Will Happen In November…

5-7-2020 < SGT Report 20 681 words

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

A few weeks ago, hardly anyone in America had ever heard of Pastor Dana Coverstone, but now hundreds of thousands of people all over the country are buzzing about him.  He leads a very small church in Burkesville, Kentucky and on June 25th he posted a video on Facebook about some remarkable things that he had seen in some of his dreams.  He probably thought that only a handful of his friends would see the video, but it quickly went viral.  At this point it has been watched by more than a million people on Facebook, and a copy that was posted to YouTube has now been viewed more than 600,000 times.  Personally, I have had countless people share his video with me over the past week, and it still hasn’t stopped.  But even though this video is spreading like wildfire, the mainstream media has been completely silent about it.  In fact, if you do a search on Google News for “Pastor Dana Coverstone”, you won’t find a single news story about his video.  What he was shown definitely does not fit their agenda, and so I expect that they will continue to generally ignore this phenomenon.

So what is it about his video that has people so excited?

Well, it is because he saw the catastrophic events of 2020 in advance, and he was also shown that more catastrophic events are coming.

Let’s start from the very beginning.  In December 2019, Pastor Coverstone had a dream in which he saw some very unusual things.  The following is from a transcript of his original video that my wife put together…

Here’s what happened:

Back in December I woke up, I had a dream. In that dream I saw a calendar. Starting January 2020.

It was being flipped.  I saw January,  I saw February,  I saw March.  When March came up the hand held it and I saw the thing of finger underline the month of March, and the tap it three times.

So underline the month of March, tapped it three times.

So to me it was emphasis, something’s going to happen in March.

Then I saw April, May, June. When June came, the hand underlined June again and tapped it three times.

Then, in the vision I saw people marching, I saw protests. I saw people wearing masks, I saw lines going into hospitals. I saw typical medical doctors with needles or syringes, I saw people on ventilators I saw people who were very, very sick, very, very ill. I saw newspaper headlines trumpeting thousands of people getting sick. I saw ambulances, just flying down roads, and then I saw cities on fire.

I saw buildings being burned. I saw protesters with masks. I saw people who had their fists in the air, people who were yelling and screaming angry at just at the world. I saw courthouses,  I saw state houses surrounded.  I saw people who were mad at the world. I saw I saw guns shotguns specifically put in the air, held like this, (showing above his head) and I saw barriers within cities.

I told several men in my church about this and I can confirm who those men were and they’ll confirm what I’m telling you is what I told them.

Obviously this is a description of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rioting, looting and violence that erupted in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.

Since Pastor Coverstone posted his video after these things happened, a lot of people out there may think that he just made this dream up.

To head off that sort of criticism, Pastor Coverstone has posted testimonies from two men from his church that affirm that he shared this dream with them back when he was first given it.  You can find those testimonies right here.

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