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Ghislaine Maxwell Expected to Be Housed in Same Prison Where Jeffrey Epstein Died Mysteriously

5-7-2020 < SGT Report 17 576 words

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

Of course.

Jeffrey Epstein confidant Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested by the FBI yesterday, in news widely celebrated by supporters of transparency and justice, but she may never get an opportunity to tell secrets about all of the powerful individuals serviced by Epstein’s illicit network.

Reports indicate Maxwell is likely to be housed in the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York City, the same facility that housed Epstein during his death. Epstein’s death was ruled by official authorities as a suicide despite his broken neck while guards were absent and nearby surveillance videos were destroyed.

Maxwell’s case is being moved to the Southern District of New York, which is the jurisdiction where she is being charged. She is expected to be transported to New York on Friday, where she will be either housed at the MCC or the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.

Acting US Attorney Audrey Strauss was asked during a recent press conference about what authorities are planning to do to ensure Maxwell’s safety.

“As you know, we are sensitive to that concern and certainly we’ll be in dialogue with the Bureau of Prisons about it,” Strauss said to deflect the question.

Maxwell faces charges of conspiracy to transport minors with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, conspiracy to entice minors to travel to engage in illegal sex acts, transportation of a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, enticement of a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts, and two counts of perjury.

Big League Politics reported earlier this week on how the courts are ordering the destruction of documents detailing Maxwell’s alleged role in Epstein’s pedophile network:

A federal judge has ordered the attorneys of Jeffrey Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre to destroy documents related to Ghislaine Maxwell, an Epstein confidant who has been frequently named as his former collaborator in child sex trafficking.

Senior U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska made the determination in lawsuits Giuffre and her attorneys, Cooper and Kirk, have filed against Maxwell and former Epstein attorney Alan Dershowitz. Preska rejected Dershowitz’s attempt to change a protective order to receive documents for his defense in the defamation case while ordering Giuffre’s attorneys to destroy documents from a previously-settled case involving Maxwell.

Preska wrote in her decision that “discovery materials designated CONFIDENTAL cannot be disclosed or used outside of the confines of the Maxwell action” and “that properly designated discovery materials may only be disclosed to specific groups of individuals, including attorneys ‘actively working on’ the Maxwell litigation.” Preska believes that Giuffre’s new attorneys do not meet this standard.

“As a practical matter, the Court would be surprised – shocked, even – if Cooper & Kirk was not in some sense “using” the Maxwell discovery in its representation of Ms. Giuffre in her action against Mr. Dershowitz,” Preska speculated. “And, even if it was not doing so, Cooper & Kirk is not ‘actively working on’ the Maxwell matter such that disclosure of discovery materials to it would be permissible under the plain terms of the protective order.”

Because of her assumptions, Preska is ordering all of the Maxwell documents, with the exception of Giuffre’s testimony in the case, to be destroyed effective immediately.

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