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Just Make It Illegal to Call 9-1-1 on a Black Person: Michigan Governor Proposes Making Racially Motivated 911 Calls a ‘Hate Crime’

7-7-2020 < SGT Report 28 285 words

by Paul Kersey, DC Clothesline:

Previously on SBPDL: New York Times Magazine Conditioning Whites to Feel Guilty for Calling the Cops on Blacks Breaking the Law

The state of Michigan is roughly 76 percent white and 14 percent black. The state of Michigan puts out an incredible document entitled Michigan Incident Crime Reporting (MICR).

In 2017, there were 567 homicides in the state of Michigan:

  • 388 of the victims were black or 68 percent

  • 166 of the victim were white or 29 percent

In 2017, there were (only) 277 homicide arrests in the state of Michigan:

  • 188 of those arrested were black or 68 percent

  • 82 of those arrested were white or 30 percent

Remember, blacks are only 14 percent of the population of Michigan, but were responsible for 68 percent of the homicides (of those homicides with a suspect, representing only 49 percent of the cases being cleared). It should be noted the 83 percent black city of Detroit was responsible for 267 of the 567 homicides in 2017 (a staggering 47 percent of the homicides for the year in Michigan).

For those interested, blacks were responsible for 61 percent of the homicides in Michigan in 2016 and 70 percent of homicides in 2015.

Why mention this?

Because blacks commit the vast amount of violent crime in Michigan, a state that is only 14 percent black.

So what happens if a white person calls 911 on a black individual and the the state of Michigan determines it was “racially motivated?”

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