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The Nicotine Challenge

7-7-2020 < Natural News 30 886 words
Image: The Nicotine Challenge

(Natural News) What if you took a break from nicotine and that break lasted forever? There’s really just one major reason you can’t right now, and that’s because nicotine is immediate relief from the horrible feelings that creep in when the nicotine from your last drag wears off. When was that, 20 minutes ago, 30 minutes ago or an hour? If you smoke 2 packs a day, that’s every twenty minutes or less. A pack-a-day smoker lights a new cancer stick about every half-hour, and half-a-pack-a-day equates to a smoke every hour. As for vape addicts, well, they seem to never stop. Maybe because the nicotine doses are lower than most commercial cigarettes, and so it’s all about repetition and frequency rather than extreme dosage.

Either way, the nicotine hangover is brutal, and every user needs a break sometimes. The question is, can that break be extended indefinitely, to the point where the physical, mental and habitual addiction just melts away, for good? Are you a user, or someone you know? One in every four Americans use nicotine. At least half want to quit. The rest have tried, but they gave up.

That means 20 million Americans are ready for the nicotine challenge. They’re ready to step up to the plate and try to hit a curve ball out the park. They’ve had enough of the cigarette hangover or vicious vape loop. They’re “fit to be tied” (about to lose their sanity, in other words).  It’s time for a little “adventure,” and this hill is not too big for you to climb.

Nicotine vs. Mucuna – Take the Challenge

If you haven’t heard of nicotine’s kryptonite, that’s because American  medical doctors, including oncologists, are either corrupt or miseducated, or both. Even if they’re unaware that they are working for the biggest, most evil corporations in the world, they’re still guilty of ignorance and bad advice. They’re repeat offenders.

There’s not a medical doctor, oncologist, or surgeon anywhere in this country that recommends supplements for people who want to quit smoking or stop vaping. Bottom line: You can’t take the nicotine challenge if you don’t know about it. That’s the way Big Pharma and Big Tobacco like to keep you, in the dark and addicted.

Most people who live in the tropical mountains (think Brazil and India) and eat clean, organic food will live long, fruitful lives (sometimes past 100 years) without medications, and without suffering from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, obesity or dementia. They eat superfoods, take herbal tinctures, drink mineralized water, and eat health-promoting beans we’ve never even heard of before, including the amazing legume mucuna pruriens.

Mucuna is also known as an herbal adaptogen that functions as a precursor to human dopamine production, also known as L-dopa. This beautiful, velvety bean is ground up and sold in supplements, but what smokers or vape enthusiasts are seeking out supplements? Hardly a soul. And who even knows this mucuna is perfect for safely and effectively raising dopamine levels, when that’s the one thing nicotine users need most to take a break from nicotine, whether that break be short (4 hours) or really long (for life).

What if you could get the same feeling from a natural remedy that you get from a cigarette or vaping session?

Most nicotine users are scared to try something new for several reasons. One: They’ve been duped by fake quit methods, like the patch and the gum. Two: They don’t want to waste a single dime they could be spending on more nicotine. Three: Most nicotine users can’t imagine life anymore without nicotine, and they don’t believe anything else can save them from the horrible feeling they get when previous nicotine hits wear off. Get ready to get happy.

Nearly all nicotine users who have been using for a couple years or more have one major health detriment in common – low dopamine production levels. Their body has all but given up on producing dopamine without nicotine boosts, so when they’re not smoking or vaping, they are just not motivated to do anything at all. Yet, they don’t know that there’s a natural way to catapult that dopamine production, and it’s backed by double-blind, peer-reviewed research and clinical studies.

A new supplement beverage hit the market this spring called Krave Kicker, and it’s sweeping the nation. A combination of high quality mucuna and vitamin B-12 as methylcobalamin provide up to 4 hours relief from nicotine cravings, with no side effects, no headaches, no nicotine, no sugar, nothing artificial.

So go now, and don’t be afraid of natural remedies, just because medical doctors and oncologists are ignorant about them. Mucuna has been around for thousands of years, before all these lying doctors endorsed their favorite brands of cigarettes as “good for digestion.” Oh yes, they did. Watch:

Take the nicotine vs. mucuna challenge HERE. Then, tune your internet dial to to understand and appreciate the “highs and lows” of the addiction so you can toss that crutch in the river for good. Enjoy the journey!

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