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CDC May Officially Downgrade COVID From An ‘Epidemic’ Due To Remarkably Low Death Rate

11-7-2020 < SGT Report 25 763 words

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution:

  • The Facts:The CDC is on the edge of downgrading COVID-19 from a ‘pandemic’ due to very low death rates. As time has gone on, hysteria over COVID-19 has not been backed by emerging data.

  • Reflect On:Has COVID-19 been another catalyst for humanity to begin questioning why we trust the sources we do? Is it time for us to activate self-responsibility and begin setting aside the parent-child relationship we have with government?

What Happened: The COVID-19 death rate across the US has now been confirmed to be so low that it’s on the edge of no longer being qualified as a pandemic, and therefore the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is poised to soon stop calling the virus an “epidemic.” The primary reason why confirmed death rates are so low is due to extreme amounts of testing in the United States. Although most outside the box thinking people and health professionals knew a couple weeks in that the death rate was extremely low, it has taken up until now for the CDC to admit to this position.

“Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9.0% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26, representing the tenth week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC,” the agency wrote on its website.

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Media and government continue to report on ‘new cases’ every single day as testing continues. The challenging part is, they are not sharing how many of these cases are symptomatic or result in any form of hospitalization. Therefore, simply reporting on how many new confirmed cases there are is doing nothing but rile the public up into fear for no reason. The vast majority of “confirmed cases” are people who have no symptoms and have no idea they even had antibodies for the virus. Not to mention the likely inaccuracy of COVID testing.

Why it matters: As many outside mainstream consensus spoke about since late February, testing results show that more people have likely contracted COVID-19 than testing data reflects. This means even way back then, the mortality rate for COVID-19 was lower than any of the extreme estimates that came out of government and health agencies. All of which have been proven wrong along the way.

Those who have questioned the narrative, like us here at CE, have had to deal with shadow banning on social media, fact checking fallacies, and demonetization as a result of reporting on the facts instead of the hysteria. The sad part is, everything we have reported on and suggested would soon happen did and yet we have been constantly ‘punished’ for it. Death rates were not as high as thought, testing is not accurate, and this virus is not near as serious as it’s being made out to be – point blank, there was no need for a lockdown.

But given there was a lockdown, we can look to either complete government incompetency or the fact that there is likely much more going on here behind the scenes than many people want to admit to. Further to that, and going deeper, we can ask how this lockdown and entire virus situation was actually serving the collective to see what’s really going on in our world and why it might be time to bring about some BIG change.

Remember, it’s not the people vs. the deep state, they simply play a role in pushing the evolution of consciousness. I cover this in great detail here.

The Takeaway: More statistics and events are coming to the surface showing that we have been misled greatly about the recent ‘pandemic’, and even though many people in alternative media and alternative health said since day 1 that this was fishy and made no sense, mainstream media and government continued on.

How is it that people with so few resources and access knew the truth before massive and ‘trusted’ sources did? Was it another catalyst for humanity to begin questioning why they trust these sources? Was it another catalyst for people to begin listening to well backed and grounded ‘alternative’ or ‘conspiracy’ ideas as they consistently turn out to be true?

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