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‘Time for people to go to jail’: Trump chief of staff expects indictments in Russia probe

21-7-2020 < SGT Report 25 303 words

from WND:

‘Not only was the campaign spied on, but the FBI did not act appropriately’

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said Sunday he expects indictments to be handed down from U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

“You’re going to see a couple of other documents come out in the coming days that will suggest that not only was the [Trump] campaign spied on, but the FBI did not act appropriately as they were investigating,” Meadows also said in an interview on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”

Meadows, a former member of the House Oversight Committee, was one of a small group of Republicans who pushed for the release of documents related to the infamous Steele dossier and the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign.

On Friday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham released a declassified FBI memo of interviews conducted in January 2017 with the primary source that Christopher Steele used to compile his anti-Trump dossier.

The source undercut several aspects of the dossier, which the FBI cited extensively in two applications it filed to conduct surveillance against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

The Justice Department’s office of the inspector general faulted the FBI for failing to disclose the problems with the dossier in its applications for the spy warrants.

Durham, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut, has been investigating the FBI and other U.S. agencies’ activities during the 2016 campaign and after President Donald Trump took office. A former FBI attorney who worked on the Russia probe is under criminal investigation for allegedly altering an email about Page to downplay his relationship with the CIA, according to The New York Times.

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