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Rashida Tlaib Warns Feds Will Have to Arrest Her If They Set Foot in Detroit

21-7-2020 < No Fake News 19 347 words
Rashida Tlaib says authorities will have to arrest her if Trump sends federal agents into Detroit

Radical Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib has warned authorities that they will “have to arrest her first” before she allows Federal Agents to enforce the rule of law in Detroit.

“They’ll have to arrest me first if they think they’re going to illegally lay their hands on my residents,” Tlaib wrote on Twitter.

Tlaib’s threat comes after President Trump vowed to crackdown on the far-left violence sweeping across America; calling in Mayors and Governors to stop the anti-police riots or the federal government will be forced to step in.

“New York and Chicago and Philadelphia and Detroit and Baltimore … we’re not going to let this happen in our country,” Trump said in the Oval Office.

“We will have more federal law enforcement. That I can tell you.” reports: “While the DHS has not officially announced that it will be sending additional personnel to the cities Trump mentioned, the president has for weeks decried the crime rates in American cities, while faulting Democratic mayors and other officials for not cracking down harder. The summer surge comes amid widespread protests against police brutality and racial injustice, which in some cases led cities to overhaul policing practices,” reports Fox News.

“Police in Chicago reported that 10 people were killed over the weekend by gun violence and 60 more injured – including 10 minors – in a spate of shootings that eclipsed those during the same weekend last year, in which 43 people had been shot, three fatally, according to the Chicago Sun-Times,” adds Fox.

“DHS does not comment on any allegedly leaked operations,” a department spokesperson said in a statement.
