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Woman Arrested For Throwing Paint Over Black Lives Matter Mural Outside Trump Tower

6-8-2020 < No Fake News 23 184 words

The Black Lives Matter mural outside the Trump Tower has been ‘defaced’ with paint….yet again.

The ‘street mural’ has only just been claned up after having white paint thrown across it.

39 year olf Guilet Dita Germanotta, was arrested on Wednesday afternoon after allegedly throwing blue paint across the huge yellow lettering that the city has painted across the block of Fifth Avenue

New York Post reports: Germanotta was placed in custody around 4:12 p.m. was taken to the Midtown North precinct for processing. Charges are pending, according to police.

The mural has been vandalized nearly every week since it was installed on Thursday, July 9.

The de Blasio administration has painted similar murals on streets across the city, but singled out the block of Fifth Avenue to apparently send a message to the president as part of their ongoing feud.
