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Progressive activist Shaun King mocked on all sides for blatant flip-flop on Kamala Harris after Biden makes her running mate

11-8-2020 < RT 30 455 words

Social activist and writer Shaun King was ridiculed without mercy for a brazen about-face on his support for Kamala Harris, quickly cozying up to the senator after she became Joe Biden’s VP pick, despite criticizing her for years.

King treated his 1.1 million-strong Twitter following to a lengthy defense of Harris soon after she was declared Biden’s running mate on Tuesday, dubbing her “the most progressive candidate among the credible finalists for VP.” Though a look through some of King’s pronouncements on Harris over the years reveals a long string of attacks over her less-than-progressive stances on criminal justice, he took an altogether different tone on Tuesday, saying she had “improved drastically on all justice and policing-related issues” since 2011, when she last served as a district attorney.

Also on Trump launches scathing ad on ‘phony’ Kamala Harris as Democrats are torn over Biden’s VP pick

The light-speed flip-flop was noticed by King’s critics and supporters alike, with the former taking a more direct approach, dubbing him a “fraud” while pointing to a November 2018 tweet in which King claimed “99%” certainty that he would not support Harris or Biden, as they “both helped to build and advance mass incarceration.” Quite a difference 22 months can make, given that as of Tuesday, King now ranks Harris “in the top 3 on justice reform issues” among US senators.

Though King took pains to include some skepticism about Harris’ past, noting he had “about 15 substantive critiques of Kamala's time as District Attorney of San Francisco,” his newfound support did not go over well with his followers.

“I can’t believe I’m reading this from you, Shaun. ‘The most progressive candidate among the credible finalists’?!” one supporter wrote in shock, adding “In my view, Kamala is only progressive when it’s convenient.”
