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Who is Kamala Harris?

12-8-2020 < 21st Century Wire 32 501 words

At long last, the waiting is over. The Democratic presidential nominee has finally selected his party’s actual candidate for president.

Last night, Biden announced that US Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), would join him as his Vice Presidential running mate in the 2020 US Presidential Election against the incumbent Donald Trump. From the onset, this proposition was never straightforward.

Biden’s decision process in arriving at his selection was unprecedented – the first time in the country’s history, Biden had announced in advance the gender of his running mate, even though he had not yet decided who that person would be. Never before has a party nominee announced that the choice of the country’s potential ‘second in command’ would be adhering to an identity politics quota.

There is another, potentially more important twist though. Previously, 21WIRE warned about why Joe Biden’s choice of Vice Presidential running mate was so crucial. Due to the fact that he would be 78 years old if sworn in, and due to his own deteriorating mental state – he will not likely last to pursue reelection in a second term, much less complete his first term. That means that whoever he chose as VP candidate could end up assuming the office of US President sooner than later.

That said, here is a brief look at some of Harris’s political exploits:

  • No visible governing experience, hasn’t completed one term as Senator in California.

  • As her state’s Attorney General, Harris locked up 1,500 marijuana smokers in California, while herself joking about smoking it herself.

  • Pushed for the execution of death row inmate, blocked the admission of exculpatory DNA evidence to exonerate him.

  • Kept inmates beyond their sentences in order to use of prisoners as free labor for the state of California.

  • Fought to keep a skewed bail system in place which disproportionately impacted poor and African-Americans.

  • Advocate of regime change in Syria.

  • Reluctance to cosponsor key legislation to preventing war with Venezuela and North Korea.

  • Close relationship with extremist Israeli lobby American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

  • Fervent promoter the discredited RussiaGate conspiracy theory which claims that Putin and Russia somehow intervened in the 2016 US Presidential Election.

Interestingly, the choice of a divisive character like Harris will surely drive a wedge through an increasingly diverse Democratic Party. International journalist and broadcaster Calen Maupin gives a scathing critique of Kamala Harris from a leftwing perspective, raising serious doubts over her own moral character and political beliefs. As Maupin explains, putting Harris into power will almost certainly result in a renewed Clintonian be a foreign policy nightmare. Watch:

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