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Lawless Chicago is being led astray by incompetent Soros-backed leaders who put politics before public order

12-8-2020 < SGT Report 23 454 words

by Micah Curtis, RT:

With the George Soros-backed DA Kim Foxx dropping 25,000 felony cases and mayor Lori Lightfoot seemingly unwilling to tackle the latest wave of riots, Chicago is in a bad way. It needs to choose its politicians more carefully.

‘The Windy City’ has always had a bit of a double meaning. Yes, it can get quite blustery in Chicago, but that same wind is what we hear from politicians. Often it’s nothing more than hot air.

Yet over and over again, Chicagoans tend to elect inept politicians to run the city. With riots over the weekend following a shooting involving a police officer, Chicago once again saw mass crime at the point where Mayor Lori Lightfoot had to raise the bridges a la ‘Batman Begins’ (which was filmed in Chicago).

So, in response, Lightfoot has asked Donald Trump to help, but to focus on gun trafficking. But the ATF is already investigating that. And the thing is, that literally has nothing to do with the riots. At all. This request came after Lightfoot had been resistant to having Trump aid Chicago when the city suffered a first round of rioting.

Another element of the city’s dealings worth considering is the fact that District Attorney Kim Foxx has dismissed more than 25,000 felony cases. This is 10 percent more than her predecessor, and in the past these would have been pursued. Of course, this is the same George Soros-backed Kim Foxx who made headlines when she dismissed the Jussie Smollett case. And that was after an aide to Michelle Obama called Foxx, by the way.

As much as I hate to say it, Chicago seems to not know how to pick good leadership. The problem with Lightfoot is that she is completely unable to govern with any amount of competence. In her most recent speech, there was no mention of Antifa doing its rabble-rousing like it did with the first wave of riots.

In fact, listening to her speech, you’d have struggled to be able to tell if there even was a first wave of riots. And the district attorney is a Soros-funded goofball who has indicated that she will drop a case the instant someone from the Obama camp dials her number.

Chicago has suffered from corruption ever since the days of Al Capone. It’s almost as if the city has had an underbelly of rot that has never really been addressed. And there is no evidence to suggest the current leadership is able to deal with it.

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