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13-8-2020 < SGT Report 29 264 words

by Steve Watson, InfoWars:

‘Real Heroes Wear Masks’.

TV Network The CW has released a series of images of ‘superheroes’ from its TV shows all wearing surgical face masks, with the tag line “real heroes wear masks.”

The characters wearing the masks and pushing the coronavirus ‘prevention’ measure include the protagonists from Black LightningDC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Stargirl, Supergirl, and Superman & Lois, and even the furry blue thing called Beebo.

Superman is an alien who can fly through space and does not breathe oxygen, so one can assume that he is wearing the mask to set an example to us mere mortals.

This is just the latest example of the attempt to normalise the wearing of masks, and shame those who resist.

Owen explains why the left enjoy enforcing mask regulations.

The science behind face masks is shaky at best, with some European countries such as Holland and Sweden refusing to force their populations to wear them, saying they are ‘pointless’.

What’s next, Superman flying around in a mobile pod?

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