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Connecticut fines residents $3,000 for violating coronavirus travel advisory

13-8-2020 < Blacklisted News 31 165 words

Connecticut says it has issued its first $3,000 in fines to a pair of residents who failed to comply with the state’s new coronavirus travel advisory.

Gov. Ned Lamont announced Monday that the individuals were both hit with $1,000 fines for failing to fill out public health forms when they flew back weeks ago from Louisiana and Florida – two states that are reporting higher numbers of daily confirmed cases. One of those residents was fined an additional $1,000 after his co-worker informed officials he was refusing to self-quarantine for 14 days as required under the restrictions, he added.

“Look I hate to do it, but we are going to be serious and show people we are serious about this,” Lamont said during a press conference.

“Overwhelmingly the number of people flying into our state from COVID-infected areas is way down. I think people are self-policing and self-regulating, but not all are,” he added. “We wanted to send a message loud and clear.”

