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Civilians assaulted by Black Lives Matter "activist" in downtown Portland

22-8-2020 < Natural News 42 680 words
Image: Civilians assaulted by Black Lives Matter “activist” in downtown Portland

(Natural News) Black Lives Matter activists attacked a man and his girlfriend in downtown Portland on Aug. 16. Adam Haner was trying to intervene in an assault on another individual happening outside a 7-Eleven when the assailants turned on him.

The assailants called Haner a white supremacist before they attacked him. In addition, they also attacked Haner’s girlfriend Tammie Martin. The assault left Haner with numerous injuries, though he has since been discharged from the hospital and is now on the way to recovery.

Police have since identified one of the assailants as Marquise Love, who is now in police custody.

Couple attacked despite being BLM allies

In an interview with local station KATU, Haner, a former firefighter, insisted that he was only trying to help a woman who was being assaulted outside the convenience store.

“I remember saying very vividly that ‘this isn’t your enemy, this isn’t who we’re trying to fight’” said Haner of the moments before he was assaulted.

In a separate statement to FOX 12 Oregon, Martin seconded her boyfriend’s statement, saying that the mob who attacked them was merely “looking for a fight.”

“He was just trying to help and they called him a white supremacist”, said Martin.

She described how a protester tackled her to the ground and punched her repeatedly, leaving her with bruises and a fractured rib. Even she wasn’t spared from the mob’s verbal assault as she was called “lame” and “loser”, with some wishing that her boyfriend would die. (Related: Antifa and BLM rioters in Portland storm police union building and attempt to flood it.)

Haner’s brother Brian also disproved the accusation of Adam being a white supremacist, attesting that his brother “would give the shirt off his back to help any of the people around him.” This came after the protesters involved insisted that Adam planned to run them over with a vehicle he was driving.

Haner himself stated that he had participated in earlier Black Lives Matter protests – even getting hit by rubber bullets and tear gas while marching.

Suspect now in custody

Suspect Marquise Love was identified after a video of the incident was shared online. The 25-year old Love had worked as a disc jockey in numerous Portland clubs alongside stints as a security officer and ramp agent at the Portland International Airport – according to his now-deactivated social media profile.

He attended a Black Lives Matter protest in July, even posting a picture of himself wearing a shirt with the movement’s name. Love is now facing felony charges of second-degree assault and coercion and one count of riot, with his bail set at $260,000.

Star Protection Agency said in a statement that it had employed Love as an unarmed security guard from January to March 2020, but condemned his actions in Portland.

Despite the injuries Haner suffered at the hands of Love and the rest of the BLM mob that night of Aug. 16, he insisted that he is not seeking anything from his attackers.

“I’m sure karma will take care of him in whatever way it needs to. I hope he learns something,” Haner said.

According to Haner, the assault does not discourage him from stepping in to help people in need once he fully recovers from his injuries, which he insisted is “just my nature.” Haner says that this instinct is what made him become a firefighter in the first place.

However, if there’s one thing about him that the assault has changed it would be his opinion on the city he loves. In an interview with WKBN, Haner said that getting a drink at 7-Eleven in Portland is a different story than it was two months ago.

For more information about assaults on civilians by Black Lives Matter activists similar to what happened to Adam Haner, visit

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