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BLM thug Marquise Love allegedly tried to murder a "racist" who was helping a transgender robbery victim

23-8-2020 < Natural News 39 591 words
Image: BLM thug Marquise Love allegedly tried to murder a “racist” who was helping a transgender robbery victim

(Natural News) New details have emerged about Marquise Love’s alleged violent attack against Adam Haner, who we now know was merely trying to help a transgender robbery victim when Love and other Black Lives Matter (BLM) thugs forced him out of his pickup truck and tried to murder him at the intersection of Southwest Taylor and 4th Ave. in Portland.

While a manhunt is currently said to be underway in pursuit of Love, the Portland Police Bureau has come forward with new evidence showing that Haner was hardly the “white supremacist” or “racist” that Love and his BLM gang are claiming – not that this would have justified their treatment of him, regardless.

According to reports, Haner had witnessed an unidentified transgender person get robbed and violently attacked by BLM terrorists in the streets of Portland when he decided to pull over and try to help this person. Love and the BLM terrorists quickly went after Haner upon noticing him, dragging him out of his vehicle before violently “beating the guy,” an eyewitness revealed.

Love’s specific crime, and the one that quickly went viral forcing him into hiding, involved him running up to Haner while he was still on the ground suffering from an earlier beating and kicking him in the head. This resulted in Haner going unconscious and falling back to the pavement where he was left helpless by the BLM mob.

Black Lives Matter is a violent hate group engaging in domestic terrorism – and it needs to be stopped!

Tucker Carlson of Fox News aired a powerful segment on the incident that you will not want to miss. Meanwhile, authorities say they are actively searching not only for Love but also the transgender victim whom Haner had tried to help before facing brutal violence at the hands of Love and his fellow BLM thugs.

“Investigators learned that the victim may have been trying to help a transgender female who had some of her things stolen in the area of Southwest Taylor and 4th Ave., the location where this incident began,” a Portland Police Bureau press release explains. “That person has not been contacted and their identity is unknown. Investigators would like to speak to that person.”

As to be expected, the mainstream media has largely ignored the story. And the few that have mentioned it conveniently left out important details about how Haner was not there as an agitator, but rather as a “Good Samaritan” who was merely trying to help someone in distress.

The good news is that Haner has been released from the hospital in good enough condition to continue his recovery at home. Adam’s brother Brian has also set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds for his continued recovery.

Earlier in the month, the same BLM thugs who attacked and tried to murder Haner also participated in a mass burning of Bibles, just like the Nazis did in the leadup to World War II.

“Riots make a good cover for other simultaneous crimes,” noted one Zero Hedge commenter. “Peaceful demonstrators defending the ‘rights’ of rioters to rob and brutalize other people and destroy public and private property.”

For more related news about BLM terrorist, be sure to check out

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