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Screwing The Little Guy

8-9-2020 < SGT Report 22 1037 words

by Doctor J, TF Metals Report:

The ferocity of recent downward manipulation of metals prices prompts a pause for thought. The manipulators had to take actiona Hail Mary if you will, (No, I cannot use that metaphor to describe bankers out of respect for my Catholic brethren). Yea, it was an act of desperation, willing to risk everything to save their control of “their” markets. They doubled down with shorts and engaged in blatant manipulation to make sure they both regain control and fatten their purse.

The prop desk traders, analysts and programmers that make up the crew of Wall Street monkeys share a portion of the guilt, but the real criminals are their bosses who devise the plots and give the orders to initiate them. “Release the Goldbug-Smash Algo,” they text, looking out the upper windows of their NY offices at the ants walking below. And the machines take over, in the wee hours while we sleep, unable to respond, overwhelming the bid stack, running stops so that when markets re-open, contracts with stop loss orders in place will be sold at even lower prices.

This order to assassinate the metals is often accompanied by recycled articles with headlines of the metal’s demise, declaring their “barbarous” nature, mocking anyone who has recently bought metal to hedge their portfolio. The fast downward turn in price, which the monkeys contrived, becomes the evidence for the bearish tone of the “experts” in their recycled missives. How convenient! Not that real metal investors are fooled, but the general public hangs on every word, as if googling “gold” and reading a “name brand” publication makes them knowledgeable, too.

Then the monkeys pile on even more shorts in a second wave of attack, immediately putting the dip buyers underwater. Investors squeal as the rack tightens, pulling them out of joint, until even more traders sell at a loss as banks begin slowly buying their way out of their underwater contracts, easing the pain of their entire short position.

And when little traders (like this author) have finally had enough, we sell our shares from or retirement portfolio. But even that seemingly unrelated SLV holding translates into a seller on Comex, and another long contract is sold as a Bankster monkey buys back another profitable short.

And their Evil Empire rakes in the cash, regroups, and goes right back to stealing our hard earned wages with their regular “wash, rinse & repeat” algo. Screwing the little guys!

You know, I suspect that at least one member of this blog has worked on Wall Street, a soldier of the cabal, disillusioned, and deserted them to pursue a “cleaner” way of living—as well as warning and helping others. And we gladly offer forgiveness, rejoicing that they have switched sides, like a Pentecostal preacher when a sinner repents. But most of the monkeys are enjoying their dirty prosperity, not fully realizing the pain their obedience to orders is causing. It’s their job. Besides, “Anyone who is investing can afford the losses,” they say… “DYODD,” they say… Hopefully, they will open their eyes and leave the cabal one day.

From Order-follower to Sycophant

Above these employees just “doing their jobs” is a layer of sycophantic lackeys who carry out their master plan, in government, defense, the sciences, education, big business, the medical field, energy, and other powerful venues. They are another kind of animal! They will never leave. They are in too deep. They receive too much money, stolen from the little guys. Initially, these politicians, career government administrators, and business leaders simply profited from their “club” as George Carlin calls it, living in lavish comfort. “It’s a big club, and you’re not in it.” But if you have skills they need, and are willing to step on people to get to the top, they just might invite you in. Their top leaders need talent to keep the machine running. An unexpected promotion falls on some lower level manager who just seems especially ruthless. Invitations to parties follow. Wild nights with sex, drugs and alcohol, complete with hidden cameras. “C’mon over to Jeffrey’s house and lets have some fun!” Young beautiful women and men abound, willing to do anything with you. And, it gets even wilder—even younger, more beautiful women and men, um, girls and boys will be there too. But, these recently promoted lackeys didn’t know, they just didn’t know about those hidden cameras, just in case they think about some whistle-blowing, or ever have second thoughts about their service. They will not leave, and very few talk about it.

The real evil are the “Elites.”

The high level globalist elites are cold and calculating, sociopathic, and believe that their blue-blood is better than “we the people,” that we are their possessions, that our hard-earned possessions are really theirs to use as they wish—even our lives.

“Fodder” feed for livestock—coarsely chopped hay or straw; a consumable, often inferior item or resource
that is in demand and abundant.

THAT is what they think of us.

I was appalled to realize that we are all “cannon fodder” to these war-mongering globalist elites. They make money with war while they keep us little people too divided to challenge them. They draft us into the military for their endless wars, and send our children to charge the line of cannon across and open field in battles where the dead are numbered in the tens of thousands. “Send in another regiment!” they callously order from an tent far away. “We must take that hill.” Did you know there were only about 4 years in all of the 17th century where there was complete peace in Europe? No wonder people got out and emigrated to the Americas.

More recently, they ordered our kids to take “hacksaw ridge” or “hamburger hill” and drive armored SUVs around rebellious cities seeking “terrorists.” Gotta send over another boatload of SUVs and keep the blood flowing. A good friend’s oldest son survived two Iraq roadside bombs. He is not the same pleasant kid who I remember chatting with years ago. The elite’s incessant wars touch all of us, one way or another, some worse than others.

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