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So, How Do They Dump Biden?

17-9-2020 < SGT Report 33 752 words

by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

As the Democrat presidential campaign degenerates into “Weekend at Gropey’s,” a question arises: Assuming the Dems and their media minions somehow drag that rickety, basement-dwelling weirdo across the finish line, how do they get rid of him post-inauguration? Clearly, he would be a figurehead as Dr. Demento – sorry, Dr. Jill – and Kamala Harris joust for control before a backdrop of scheming pinko puppetmasters. But sooner or later, probably sooner, the Dem elite is going to try to put him out to pasture. How could they pull it off? And can they? Let’s see…

A few caveats: I think Donald Trump is going to win, so this is all hypothetical. The only bright spot for the Dems is the garbage polls his lying mainstream media allies keep pushing, and the liars are even having to concede that those are tightening, especially in states that matter. We’re days away from them pulling Grandpa Badfinger out of the debate. My money is still on the “I won’t normalize Trump’s racist cisgender sexism by appearing on stage with him” excuse, but “I fear the flu” is a close second. His recent catastrophic appearances outside his dungeon lair demonstrate that this guy couldn’t hack a debate if he was snorting rails of Namenda like Hunter hoovering blow on New Year’s Eve in Medellin. Trump holds an indisputable edge in other important areas, too, like enthusiasm, ground game, and continence.

I also want to put aside the very serious issue of the Democrat transition disruption plans, a plot so staggeringly unwise that only our garbage elite could conceive of it and think it would work out all right for them. Their dual track strategy of stealing the election through legal and extra-legal shenanigans, followed by cementing their own power via attacks on the Supreme Court, the Electoral College, giving statehood to territories, defunding cops, and disarming the populace even as they attempt to limit free speech are a recipe for disaster. So, let’s put aside the second civil war these fools seem intent on provoking – our esteemed elite does not seem to remember that Democrats are already 0-1 – and assume the peaceful transition of power they would deny Trump (and you).

Let’s focus on how they try to get rid of Bad Touch Biden should they win, because it’s pretty obvious that he can’t function as president, and it’s pretty obvious that other people want that gig. They are sharpening their knives already.

There is one huge problem with getting rid of him: his wife. She wants to be president so bad she can taste it, and she’s more excited to be president – uh, I mean first lady – than Brian Stelter, who is a potato, is at the thought of visiting Golden Corral. She’s going to do everything she can to be a limo lib Edger Bergen to her husband’s less-animated Charlie McCarthy. Moreover, the Joe Junta of advisors wants its payoff. With Depends Boy as figurehead, they not only get jobs but they get a whole lot of lightly supervised power. So, there will be a potent Dem faction supporting the Presidency of the Living Dead.

But others in the Dem elite want Oldfinger out of the way. Of course, Kamala Harris is the grasping, striving avatar of this faction. She’s already talking about “a Harris Administration.” If I were Dr. Jill, which would be weird, I’d send some intern out to start Air Force One in the morning and hire a taster to clear Joe’s mornin’ mush. Now, am I saying that Kamala Harris would physically harm Joe Biden? Let’s just say that I’d rather gulp down Ruth Gordon’s smoothies in Rosemary’s Baby than roll those dice.

Regardless, she (and the Democrat establishment using the crusty crustacean as a Trojan Horse to retake power) will want be rid of him. The 25th Amendment is the most obvious play. And, frankly, it would be legit, since he is manifestly incompetent, not that stuff like facts and truth matter in modern politics.

The 25th Amendment, one of the rare parts of the Constitution that Democrats like, has been their fantasy Hail Mary play since Trump beat Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit. It is worth reviewing the entire process for replacing the president as outlined in Section 4, since, if America is dumb enough to elect the Dementiacrat in seven weeks, we’ll all be getting really familiar with it:

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