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NY Times alleges AG Barr considered criminal charges against Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan for not dismantling CHOP fast enough to protect city residents

19-9-2020 < Natural News 23 1086 words
Image: NY Times alleges AG Barr considered criminal charges against Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan for not dismantling CHOP fast enough to protect city residents

(Natural News) A report from the New York Times is alleging that Attorney General William Barr had asked federal prosecutors to consider the possibility of placing criminal charges against Seattle’s mayor, Jenny Durkan, a Democrat, for allowing the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP), a self-declared “police-free autonomous zone,” to exist for so long under her watch. The continued existence of CHOP, they argue, allowed crime to fester in the area, leading to a lot of rapes, robberies, shootings and even murders.

According to the NY Times, Barr considered filing sedition charges against many of the people caught by federal law enforcement officers participating in violent riots not just in Seattle but all over the country. Furthermore, the mainstream news outlet states that Barr asked prosecutors in the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Civil Rights Division if some kind of criminal charges can be brought against Durkan for not intervening quickly enough against the “police-free zone,” which allowed its main organizers to terrorize local residents for so long.

While not responding directly to the accusation that he plans to charge Durkan, Barr has stated that the Supreme Court’s recent rulings are on his side.

“The power to execute and enforce the law is an executive function altogether,” said Barr. “That means discretion is invested in the executive to determine when to exercise prosecutorial power.”

The report comes just as Barr has been warning American society about the upcoming election. He has made claims that the United States is “on the brink of destruction,” and the only way to save it is to reelect President Donald Trump.

“I think we’re getting into position where we were going to find ourselves irrevocably committed to the socialist path. I think if Trump loses this election that that will be the case.”

President Donald Trump is almost guaranteed to win his bid for reelection in November, but the Democrats are going to try every dirty trick in the book to stop that from happening. Listen to this episode of the Health Ranger Report, a podcast by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, as he talks about how the treasonous Democratic Party will try to steal and rig the election from the American people by installing Nancy Pelosi as the next president.

US attorney denies Barr ever considered charges against Durkan

Brian Moran, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Washington state has denied the NY Times‘ report, stating that if there was any kind of probe looking into whether or not Durkan can be charged for a crime, he would have known about it.

Moran stated that, since the beginning of the civil unrest in Seattle, he has regularly conversed with the DOJ regarding the violence perpetrated by the rioters, about the progress the city has had with dismantling CHOP and preventing the civil unrest from escalating as well as about the federal charges the district has filed against agitators.

During all of this, Moran states that not once has anyone in the DOJ ever come up to him or to anyone working in his district regarding the possibility of filing charges or starting a criminal investigation against Durkan regarding her involvement or lack of action against CHOP.

Nobody else from the DOJ has responded to the NY Times or any other mainstream media outlet to comment on the accusations against Barr.

For his part, Barr has been vocal about his concern over the refusal from Democratic Party officials to condemn the crimes perpetrated by violent Black Lives Matter and Antifa mobs. In a statement he made several months ago, Barr said that this was the first time in his memory that one of the country’s two main political parties was not willing to stand with the other in order to condemn violence and civil unrest.

“Why can’t we just say ‘Violence against federal courts has to stop?’ Could we hear something like that?”

Barr’s suggestion to charge Durkan is “chilling”

On Wednesday, after the report came out, Durkan responded by claiming that Barr’s attempt to investigate corruption was another sign of “abuse of power from the Trump administration.”

In a series of tweets, Durkan lashed out by alleging that the DOJ is being turned into a “political weapon” operated by Trump to target the Democrats who have become his most vocal critics. She vowed to “continue fighting for what I believe is right” and said that the “threats” she faces will not distract her from her work as mayor of Seattle.

It should be noted that Durkan allowed the self-proclaimed autonomous zone to remain standing in her city for nearly one whole month as crime festered in and around the area, which included the deaths of several people who were gunned down by armed enforcers of the illegal occupation zone.

At one point, the former police chief of Seattle, Carmen Best, who was sacked over her support for maintaining the funding of the police, talked openly about how two African American men died because of the criminality inside CHOP. She also mentioned all of the robbery, assaults, shootings and rapes that were occurring in the area that the city was unwilling to solve. (Related: “Where are the police?” Anti-police Minneapolis City Council begs department to stop surging crime rate three months after voting to defund and abolish the police.)

In the executive order that Durkan signed to get the Seattle police to finally dismantle the self-proclaimed zone, she even mentioned the fact that there was a 525 percent increase in violent crimes such as gang activity, robberies, aggravated assaults and homicides, occurring inside CHOP and within its vicinity.

The federal government is fighting back. Learn about how officials like Barr are trying to put the criminals who allowed the violence and civil unrest to fester in jail by subscribing to and reading the articles in

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