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Far-left extremists using memes on social media to instigate violence: report

21-9-2020 < Natural News 22 759 words
Image: Far-left extremists using memes on social media to instigate violence: report

(Natural News) Antifa and other far-left groups are using internet memes as propaganda to encourage violence against law enforcement and the general public, according to a new report. In addition, the report found that the widespread use of memes has contributed to the growth of far-left online communities in recent years.

The Sep. 14 report was published by the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI), a nonprofit that studies how hate-charged content spreads across social media networks.

During recent Black Lives Matter protests, content featuring outrage against law enforcement saw a 1,000 percent increase on Twitter and a 300 percent increase on Reddit. Furthermore, anarcho-socialist memes posted on Reddit called for the death of police and stockpiling ammunition for a “violent revolution.”

The report mentioned the use of “innovative cyber strategies” by anarchist groups such as spreading instructions for building 3D printed weapons, sharing insights on using laser pointers to blind targets, and coordinating offline actions – setting fires, throwing projectiles and using fireworks against police –  over the internet.

In addition, the report touched on how anarchist groups use these “cyber strategies” to coordinate actions across large distances and mobilize “network-enabled mobs” with just a few clicks. The practice of “cyber swarming,” for example, calls online users to a real-world scene or situation to provide material aid or human reinforcements.

However, the NCRI report noted that violence from far-left groups had not yet become widespread compared to violence caused by ISIS. In addition, it noted that far-left violence did not have the death toll or historical reach U.S. right-wing extremism had.

President Donald Trump issues warning against violent leftist protesters

President Donald Trump has warned that “crossing state lines to incite violence” is a federal crime and threatened using the “unlimited power” of the U.S. military alongside “many arrests” if the situation wasn’t addressed.

Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters have been working hand-in-hand to spark violence and agitate rally participants ever since the May 25 death of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement. Countless properties and businesses have been destroyed during the nightly riots.

The chaotic Portland, Ore. protests in August led to two civilians seriously injured and the killing of a Trump supporter. Protests in Kenosha, Wis. took a bloody turn after 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself instead of simply standing by.

Despite his defense of Rittenhouse’s actions, the president discouraged his supporters from engaging with antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters, advising instead that they “leave it to law enforcement.”

The extreme left will double down on violence as the November elections are nearing

Meanwhile, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden claimed that President Trump was “encouraging” violence – saying that the riots were “a political benefit” for the reelectionist Republican. However, it is worth noting that most of the riots happened in Democrat-controlled areas, and the president has even offered to help quell the unrest.

A recent report by Breitbart confirmed the far-left anarchists’ plan to organize a “political apocalypse” when their candidate Biden loses the November elections. The Fight Back Table (FBT) group and other leftist organizations discussed their plans for “a multi-state communications arm” against disinformation, a “training program for nonviolent civil disobedience” and “mass public unrest.”

The FBT alliance proposed the aforementioned plans under the assumption that any other outcome aside from Biden winning renders the election illegitimate. Truly, violence is the norm rather than the exception in Joe Biden’s America.

However, President Trump has promised that any rioting on the night of Nov. 3 “won’t last long” and will be put down “very quickly.” During an interview with Fox News host Jeanine Pirro, the president said he had the power to address any unrest – but would rather not do so since there was no insurrection in place.

Find out more news about antifa’s attempts to overthrow the government through a violent revolution at

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