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Still ‘Joe Cool’ in the CLUTCH: Former NFL star Joe Montana wrestles his grandchild away from intruder, stops KIDNAPPING – report

27-9-2020 < RT 20 431 words

NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana found himself playing defense on Saturday, when he and his wife, Jennifer, reportedly wrestled their grandchild away from an intruder who was allegedly trying to kidnap the baby.

A 39-year-old woman entered a Malibu, California, home where the Montanas were staying at about 5pm, TMZ reported, citing law enforcement sources. The woman came in through an unlocked door. She allegedly grabbed the baby from an unidentified person who was holding the child and went to another part of the house, where she was confronted by the Montanas.

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The husband and wife wrestled the baby away from the woman, who then ran out of the house. Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies were coincidentally on the same block because of another matter nearby and were flagged down by someone in the Montanas' house and told of what happened. Deputies captured the intruder a few blocks away.

The woman, who wasn't identified, was booked on suspicion of kidnapping and burglary.

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Montana, who was nicknamed ‘Joe Cool’ and ‘the Comeback Kid’ for his calm under pressure and late-game heroics, tweeted Sunday about the incident. “Thank you to everyone who has reached out,” said Montana, now 64 years old and 26 years removed from his NFL career. “Scary situation, but thankful that everybody is doing well.”

Twitter commenters praised Montana for still being a “hero” and expressed gratitude that he and his family are safe and well. One posted a video of arguably Montana's most famous pass, a 1982 touchdown completion to receiver Dwight Clark that put the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl and became known in NFL lore as ‘The Catch’. The commenter said, “Until yesterday, this HAD been The Catch.”

Montana won four Super Bowl rings, was named Super Bowl MVP three times and earned two NFL MVP awards.

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