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2 Huge Problems On Main Street Spell Disaster For The 2020 Holiday Retail Season (In Spite Of Any Economic Impact Payments)

30-9-2020 < SGT Report 24 644 words

from Silver Doctors:

Trump’s bet on hyperinflation is on full display today, and Gold & Silver should benefit from a busy and possibly chaotic week in the economy and markets…

This is going to be one busy week for the markets and the economy, so be prepared for an onslaught of information through Friday.

In the backdrop, we have ongoing coronavirus back-and-forth between the End of the Worlders and the Biggest Hoax Of All Timers, and amidst this backdrop, if political theater in Washington is your thing, there’s the whole Supreme Court nomination and apparently some huge breaking news about President Trump’s taxes, again.

From Bloomberg (bold added for emphasis and commentary):

President Donald Trump paid just $750 in U.S. income taxes in both 2016 and 2017, reported losing millions of dollars from his golf courses and has hundreds of millions in debt that will come due in the next few years, according to a report in the New York Times.

Trump paid no income taxes in 10 of the past 15 years because he generated large losses that offset any money that he made, according to the Times analysis of at least two decades worth of Trump’s personal and business tax returns.

While we’ve had the whole Trump the Tax Dodger meme played out in varying degrees over the last several years, starting before the 2016 election really, with the whole Donald Ducks meme, I don’t think we’ve had details quite like this before, if they are indeed accurate details.

Nonetheless, notice the bet Trump is making on US Dollar hyperinflation!

Shameless plug time: Speaking of hyperinflation:

Thank you for your consideration!

Now, as I was out and about conducting some field research this weekend, I have some interesting observations to report.

The long story short is that it looks like 2020 is going to be a terrible holiday season for consumers as well as a disastrous one for retailers, for no less than two reasons.


It really is amazing how little the stores are stocked right now.

Is anybody else noticing that the shelves of stores frequented by shoppers in America are less than half full?

Making matters worse, when it comes to a lot of stuff that people actually need, I would say the shelves are less than 33% full.

Here’s the question: If retailers can’t even keep their shelves stocked with their regular, everyday items, how are they going to have any kind of holiday season, which is also the busiest season of the year for retailers?

People have said these supply chain disruptions are temporary, but are they?

I mean, the apologists, armchair quarterbacks, and enablers want everybody to think the recovery has begun, but if the recovery has really begun, wouldn’t supply chain problems be getting solved?

At times, this makes me think of Cuba, and yes, I’m talking about the little island nation, and while I’ll be the first to admit I get a ‘D-‘ in Cuban History, I will say that the nation quite literally got frozen in time, so to say, which is why you see all of the old cars still rolling around the streets today!

And the scary thought is, what if they’re freezing America in time, meaning, the year 2020 is the best we’ll ever get for at least many, many decades to come?


If the plan is to collapse the US economy to bring down the American Empire, then why would the Deep State Globalists not want America stuck in time?

Anybody ever been to Roswell, New Mexico?

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